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词汇 saving grace
例句 His sense of humour was his only saving grace.他的幽默感是他唯一的可取之处。Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.上了年纪的一个好处是不再那般担心别人的看法。In this game, we were severely routed by our opponent. The only saving grace was that we made a buzzer-beater shot.在这场比赛中,我们被对手狠狠修理了一番。唯一可保住颜面的是我们投进了一个压哨好球。The play's only saving grace was the high standard of acting.这出戏唯一的可取之处是高水平的演技。This book is very badly written, and its only saving grace is its interesting color photographs.这本书写得很糟糕,唯一可取之处就是书上那些有趣的彩色照片。I can't really play baseball. My one saving grace is that I can pitch.我真的不会打棒球,我唯一能做的就是投球。He thanked Providence for the saving grace that had prevented him from utter degradation.他感谢上帝使他免于彻底堕落的恩典。I hate this house. Its only saving grace is that it's near the centre of town.我讨厌这房子,它唯一可取之处就是离镇中心近。That play's only saving grace was that it didn't last long.那出戏的唯一可取之处是它不算太长。His sense of humour is his saving grace.幽默感是他的唯一可取之处。Her only saving grace is her sense of humour.她唯一的可取之处是还有幽默感。It's expensive, but the machine's saving grace is its ease of operation.这台机器很贵,但具有操作简便的优点。




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