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词汇 这样的话
例句 Really, Amanda! What a dreadful thing to say!不行,阿曼达!你不该说这样的话I thought his remarks were inappropriate on such a serious occasion.我认为他在这么严肃的场合中说这样的话并不恰当。You've no business to say such a thing.你无权说这样的话In this case, you should indicate that evening dress will be required.这样的话,你应该指出要穿晚礼服。It is patently absurd for ministers to say that.部长说出这样的话显然荒唐。Use a pencil so you can erase your mistakes.用铅笔写,这样的话有错误就可以擦掉。Tom Lehrer's black humor offended some people, who found jokes about such subjects as nuclear war unacceptable.汤姆·莱勒的黑色幽默冒犯了一些人,他们觉得拿核战争这样的话题来开玩笑令人无法接受。They might not let you buy the tickets yet, in which case you should try again tomorrow.他们现在可能不会售票给你,这样的话你应该明天再去试试。I doubt the propriety of such a remark.我怀疑这样的话是否得体。It strains all credulity to believe he would have said any such thing.实在令人无法相信他会说这样的话I don't believe a teacher of any description would say such a thing.我认为任何一位老师都不会说这样的话Remarks like this are generally considered to be unacceptable today.如今像这样的话通常被认为是不可接受的。He wouldn't say this if it weren't the gospel truth.要不是对此深信不疑,他不会说这样的话If things keep going like this, we'll have to close the business.如果情况继续这样的话,我们就不得不关门了。Such a remark verges on impertinence.这样的话简直是唐突无礼。I don't mind training hard, because you get better and better all the time.我不介意进行刻苦训练,因为这样的话你就一直在进步。If this is the case, then improvement in people's welfare and in the environment will merely be empty words.如果情况是这样的话,改善人民福利和美化环境只会成为空话。That's a rotten thing to say!这样的话真是太刻薄了!Sure, I was devastated when Harry went back to his wife, but even so I wouldn't change a thing.没错,哈里回到妻子那里去时我伤心欲绝,但即使这样的话,我也并不后悔。We ourselves would never say such a thing.我们自己绝对不会说这样的话Parents must take responsibility for their children. Failure to do so could mean a fine or a jail sentence.父母必须为他们的子女负责,如果不这样的话可能意味着罚款或监禁。One cannot hear such a remark without offence.听了这样的话谁都会生气的。Have a rest now, and then you won't be so tired tonight.现在休息一会儿,这样的话今晚你就不会那么累了。You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids.你可能会注意到她吞咽有困难。要是这样的话,让她多吃流食。His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.他在这么严肃的场合中说这样的话完全不恰当。Subjects like death and loneliness are regularly given an airing on the show.死亡和孤独这样的话题经常在这个节目中公开讨论。




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