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词汇 这样那样
例句 You can say to me, I want such and such a photographer, and I'll try to get them for you.你可以告诉我,我需要这样那样的摄影师,我会想办法帮你去找的。In spite of everything, I still enjoyed the trip.尽管有这样那样的事,这次旅行我还是很开心。Dad's always on my case about something or other.爸爸总是为这样那样的事数落我。Sarah, for all her faults, wasn't at all a bad cook.尽管萨拉有这样那样的缺点,但她绝不是个糟糕的厨子。Managers don't really get paid much here, but most of them are working a few fiddles.这儿的经理工资并不高,但他们大多数人都用这样那样的手段在骗钱。Everybody came in with their Christmas order for beer and spirits and port and one thing and another.每位来客都要为圣诞节订购啤酒、烈酒、波尔图葡萄酒等这样那样的酒。I have been intending to go every day but something or other has always prevented me.我每天都打算去,可是总有这样那样的事情让我走不了。I need distractions. I need to amuse myself so I won't keep thinking about things.我需要分散我的注意力。需要消遣一下,让自己不去想这样那样的事。What with one thing and another, we still haven't finished. 由于这样那样的事,我们仍然没有完成。I was always getting kept after school for something when I was a kid.我小时候老是因为这样那样的事被罚课后留校。




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