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词汇 这本书
例句 What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?这本书属于什么体裁——喜剧还是悲剧?The book is dedicated to Emma, with love from Harry.这本书是哈里为表示爱意题献给埃玛的。If the book has a fault, it's that it's too long.要说这本书有什么不足的话,那就是太长了。The book covers the entire span of Arab history.这本书跨越了整个阿拉伯的历史。This book will give you a general view of English literature.这本书使你对英国文学有个总的了解。The book provides a wealth of detail on daily life in ancient China.这本书大量描述了中国古代日常生活的细节。The book sets out to elucidate the meaning of the principal symbols in occultism.这本书旨在阐释神秘学体系中主要符号的含义。The book states quite plainly that he was part of the plot.这本书清晰地陈述了他参与了这个阴谋。The book/film is a tour de force.这本书/这部影片是个杰作。I spent all morning looking for the book, and it was right under my nose the whole time.我花了很长时间找这本书,原来它一直就在我眼皮底下呢。She needs the book for reference purposes.她需要这本书作参考。People interested in history would enjoy a dip into this book.对历史感兴趣的人会喜欢翻阅一下这本书I'll never get to the end of this book!我永远也看不完这本书了!They meant the book as a present.他们特意把这本书当作礼物。It has been a job writing the book and I'm glad it's done.这本书真费劲,现在终于完成了,我很高兴。The book is selling decently but we were expecting it to sell better.这本书卖得不错,但我们原本期望它能卖得更好。The book contains much useful information.这本书包含了许多有用的资料。The book guides you through the whole procedure of buying a house.这本书可以全程指导你买房。The book begins with a brief/short history of the Internet.这本书的开篇是互联网的简史。The deluxe edition of the book includes many more illustrations.这本书的精装本有更多的插图。The book describes tribes of barbarians massing on the borders of the Roman Empire.这本书描述了聚集在罗马帝国边境的原始人部落。The book allows us to glimpse the future of the computer industry.这本书使我们对计算机行业的未来有了粗浅了解。This book gives a good picture of life in China today.这本书生动地描述了当代中国的生活情况。The book provides some good household cleaning tips.这本书提供了一些关于家庭卫生清洁的好方法。The book proved such a success that the authors followed it up with 'The Messianic Legacy'.这本书取得了巨大的成功,作者于是又推出一部《弥赛亚的遗产》。Ideally, the book should be illustrated.按理想来说,这本书应该加上插图。The book gives a brief history of the industry.这本书简述了该行业的发展史。The book is full of amusing sidelights on his family background.这本书里满是关于他家庭背景的趣闻轶事。I assented to the request of the American publishers to write this book.我同意了美国出版商的要求,答应写这本书This book is highly recommended by teachers.老师们十分推崇这本书In my latest book, I wanted to fly the kite for an unfashionable theory.我在最新出的这本书中是想试探一下人们对一个不合潮流的理论有何看法。The book describes the complex emotional and sexual entanglements between the members of the group.这本书描述了这个团体成员之间复杂混乱的感情纠葛和肉体关系。There is a very moral tone to this book.这本书很有道德教育的意味。The book sells big.这本书十分畅销。The book was published in remembrance of the incident.这本书是为纪念这个事件出版的。The book read like a black comic burlesque.这本书读起来像部荒诞可笑的讽刺作品。The annotation of the book took him a lot of time.这本书的注释工作花了他很多时间。The book is dedicated to his mother.这本书是献给他母亲的。Although most of the book is believable, its ending tests/strains credulity. 这本书大部分内容是可信的,但结尾部分令人难以信服。I don't like the book. Not one bit.我不喜欢这本书,一点也不喜欢。




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