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The crowd, which had been thin for the first half of the race, had now grown considerably.比赛前半段观众还稀稀拉拉的,这时明显增多了。He was breathing more evenly now.他的呼吸这时比较平稳。As the ball went in, the referee blew his whistle for full time.球进了,这时裁判吹响了终场哨声。Now that I could see him close up, I saw that he was very attractive.这时我能够近距离看他了,发觉他很有魅力。Frank was in full flight when he reached them.弗兰克正在拼命奔逃,这时他联系到了他们。Shots rang out from across the street as someone tried to break up the fight.有人试图劝架,这时街对面传来了几声枪响。Just then, Bart returned, wobbling on his skates.就在这时,巴特摇摇晃晃地滑着轮滑回来了。She was dancing with Jack, when Tom suddenly cut in.她正和杰克跳舞,这时汤姆挤进来抢舞。She quietly closed the door to the baby's room, and at just that precise moment the phone began to ring.她轻轻地关上宝宝房间的门,就在这时电话铃声响了起来。He now addressed himself eagerly to his porridge.这时他急切地喝起粥来。Her belongings now lay scattered in a disorderly mess.这时她的物品胡乱散落一地。By this time there was a queue of impatient customers waiting to be served.这时,已经有一队很不耐烦的顾客在等着有人去招呼他们。Bob sat down and read the letter again slowly. Then and only then did it begin to sink in that Stella was really dead.鲍勃坐下来又慢慢地读那封信。这时,也只有这时,他才开始明白斯特拉真的已经去世了。The ship was by this time unballasted.这条船在这时已卸去压舱物。Institutionalization was necessary when his wife became both blind and violent.他妻子眼睛瞎了,性子也变得狂暴起来,这时有必要把她送入精神病院了。Now I just bolt out of the front door.这时我刚刚冲出前门。Now the man turned to face him, his big face puckered.这时那个男人转过身面向他,一张大脸都皱了起来。Just then, Gillian appeared as if from nowhere.就在这时,吉利恩不知从哪里冒了出来。She had now become a regular member of the cast of singers.这时她已成为歌唱队的正式成员了。By now the fish was showing signs of distress.到了这时,这条鱼显露出痛苦的迹象。Now, with the sudden invasion of the nasal voice, the class was instantly silent.这时,随着那个带鼻音的声音突然响起,教室立即肃静下来。At 2-0 down with ten minutes left, you have to go for broke.比赛只剩十分钟的时候还是零比二落后于人,这时你就得豁出去了。She was at the point of leaving when he asked her to dance.她正要离开,这时他邀请她跳舞。He was turning to ascend the ladder to the engine room when the ship's fire alarm sounded.他正转身爬梯子到发动机舱去,这时船上的火警响了。We were all set to start the barbecue when it started to rain.我们都已准备好要开始烧烤,这时却下起雨来。We were struggling for the gun when it went off!.我们正在争夺那把枪,这时它突然走火了!No one objected when the boss said it was time to go home.老板说该是回家的时候了,这时没有人反对。I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me.我正出门朝我的车走去,就在这时这家伙企图对我进行抢劫。Howard now revealed a certain talent for fixing things.霍华德这时已显示出一定程度修理东西的天才。Kathy was turning the corner when one of the front tyres blew.凯西正在转弯,这时车的一个前轮突然爆胎了。The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three.这时钟的指针指向三点半。I was just leaving when who should I see but Pat Doyle.我正要出去,谁料这时竟碰上了帕特·道尔。There I was, minding my own business, when this man started yelling at me.我正在那里做自己的事,这时这个男人开始朝我叫喊起来。He was called to the telephone just as he was leaving.他刚要走,这时有人叫他接电话。I'd done myself up to go out when the phone rang.我已经打扮好要出门,这时电话响了。By this time she had contrition down pat.到这时,她彻底了解了什么是悔悟。Now they had to prepare for battle.这时他们不得不准备作战。His illness began to manifest itself at around this time.他的病到这时开始显现出来。They had been up all night and were sleeping it off.他们前一天整夜未眠,所以这时正在补觉。This was when he evolved the working method from which he has never departed.他就是在这时形成了自己的工作方法,而且直到现在都还在沿用。 |