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例句 The conference will attract many leading scholars and educators.这次会议将吸引众多知名学者和教育家。We usually meet at noon, but on this particular occasion, we met at two o'clock.通常我们是中午见面,但这次情况特殊,我们两点才见面。The injury may have caused brain damage.这次受伤可能造成了脑损伤。Her promotion wasn't entirely undeserved.这次升职并非完全不合理。Every single ad in the campaign has been a gem.这次活动中的每一幅广告都是精品。Demonstrators condemned the summit as a futile and fruitless exercise.示威者谴责这次峰会是徒然无效之举。The exhibition has been put together by a group of young artists.这次展览是由一群年轻的艺术家组织的。Let me get the drinks. It's my turn to pay.我来买饮料吧。这次轮到我付钱。I think the response was good.我认为这次反响还不错。Much of the city was destroyed in the attack.城市的大部分地方都在这次袭击中遭到了破坏。The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.事实证明,这次兼并使两家公司都获利丰厚。The school provided the bus for the trip, but the students had to dig down to pay for gas and meals.学校为这次旅游提供大客车,但学生得自己掏钱付汽油费和饭费。I found the exam quite easy.我觉得这次考试很容易。Her confidence was badly shaken by the accident. 她的信心因这次事故而严重削弱。The whole tribe came to the party.整个家族的人都参加了这次聚会。The argument was the beginning of the end as far as their relationship was concerned.就他们的关系而言,这次争论是他们的关系结束的开始。Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?这次民意测验会如实反映出公众的心态吗?I have to bone up on my French for my trip.为了这次旅行我得重温一下法语。I was not a party to this discussion.我没有参与这次讨论。The trip gave me itchy feet and I wanted to travel more.这次旅行让我渴望出游,想去更多的地方。Her own supporters see her as an albatross who could lose them the election.就连支持她的人都把她看成是一个大包袱,认为她会使他们输掉这次选举。The development has Marks and Spencer as the anchor store.这次开发以玛莎百货为主力商店。We pin our hopes on the meeting.我们把希望寄托在这次会议上。This vacation offers a unique opportunity to visit some of the most remote mountain areas of the region.这次度假提供了难得的机会,可以看看该地区最偏远的山区。The election turned out to be a mismatch.这次选举最终出现了一边倒的局势。It was a tough interview, but she managed to hold her own.这次面试很难,但她依然表现得很好。We express our deepest sorrow for the incident.对于这次事件,我们深表悲痛。The flight was watched by many observers on the ground.许多地面目击者目睹了这次飞行。I'm afraid this will only be a flying visit, as I have to be back in Paris tonight.恐怕这次访问的时间只能很短,因为我晚上还得赶回巴黎。A series of international meetings held over the last ten weeks will culminate in the Geneva meeting.过去十周内举行的一系列国际会议将于这次日内瓦会议达到高潮。He omitted any mention of the war in his speech.他在讲话中对这次战争避之不提。The strike fostered a sense of solidarity among the workers.这次罢工在工人们中间培养了一种团结意识。His illness got him out of having to attend the meeting.他因病而躲过了这次会议。She failed in the examination.这次考试不及格。The trip was planned on short notice.这次旅行安排得很仓促。The results of the survey were widely circulated.这次调查的结果被广泛传阅。Many people questioned the fairness of the election.许多人对这次选举的公正性提出了质疑。He had found the conversation very enlightening.他觉得这次谈话很有启发性。I saw a news report about the strike.我看到一篇有关这次罢工的新闻报道。The campaign had been tightly controlled from start to finish.这次运动从头到尾都受到严格的控制。




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