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例句 The novel has just come out in paperback.这本小说刚刚发行了平装本。A good deal of fur's always flying about the novel.围绕着这本小说一直在开展着激烈的争论。The pamphlet provides a lot of information on/about/concerning recent changes to the tax laws.这本宣传册提供了很多关于近期税法变更的信息。The publication of this new handbook has thrown the old one into the shade.这本新手册的出版使旧作相形见绌。This history book brings us up to the present day.这本史书追古溯今,一直讲到当代。This little book is the definitive travel guide to Moscow.这本小书是最好的莫斯科旅游指南。The comic book is a spin-off of the movie.这本漫画书是那部电影的衍生品。The novel delivers an inspiring look into the life and ideas of Gandhi.这本小说对甘地的一生和思想做了振奋人心的描述。This handsome book fills a need for a clear children's guide to the African-American tradition of Kwanzaa.儿童需要一本让他们清楚了解非裔美国人的宽扎节传统的指南,这本精美的书正好满足这个需要。A healthy number of her poems were published in the magazine.她有许多首诗发表在这本杂志上。The subject matter of the textbook was carefully chosen to appeal to students.这本教科书的题材经过了精挑细选,以吸引学生。The magazine is targeted primarily at young middle-class women.这本杂志主要针对年轻的中产阶级女性。In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。The new book is being tipped as a probable best seller.人们预测这本新书很可能成为畅销书。This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.这本实用的旅行指南教给你放松的方法、处理问题的技巧以及如何安排时间。The funny book had a laugh on every page.这本滑稽的书每一页上都有令人发笑的地方。I borrowed this novel from the school library.我从学校的图书馆借来这本小说。There is a glossary at the end of the textbook.这本教科书后面有词汇表。The novel was mauled by the New York critics.这本小说受到纽约评论家的抨击。The novel skilfully laces together the lives of two persons.这本小说把两个人的命运巧妙地串连在一起。The new book has been flying off store shelves.这本新书十分畅销。This simple guide is essential if you are thinking of taking up hill walking.如果你正在考虑要进行步行登山锻炼,这本简易小册子是必备的。The writer's humor animates the novel.作者的幽默让这本小说妙趣横生。I admired the way you refused to let him bully you - I didn't think you had it in you.你没让他欺侮你,我很欣赏你的勇敢—我不曾想到你还有这本事。The magazine became the cornerstone of McFadden's publishing empire.这本杂志成了迈克法登出版帝国的支柱。I usually enjoy her books, but I just couldn't get into this one.我通常是喜欢读她写的书的,但这本我就是喜欢不起来。The brochure describes the contents of the museum.这本小册子介绍了博物馆的藏品。This excellent book can be understood by anyone who knows a little about social anthropology.任何人只要略懂社会人类学都能看得懂这本好书。The whole magazine is produced and edited in the pursuit of excellence.这本杂志在出版和编辑的全过程都力求完美。The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。The guidebook is the ultimate arbiter of culinary excellence.这本指南是评定烹饪水平的最权威评判。The pamphlet describes alcohol as a destroyer of families.这本小册子把酒说成家庭的破坏者。Birds are categorized by type in this field guide.这本野外指南按类型对鸟进行分类。Klimt's artwork is reproduced in this exquisite book.这本精美的书里刊登了克利米特的艺术作品。The magazine had a reputation for nurturing young writers.这本杂志以扶植青年作家成长而闻名。The magazine wasn't very professionally designed.这本杂志设计得不太专业。The price rise caused many readers to desert the magazine.价格上涨导致许多读者放弃了这本杂志。Jazz and Blues feature prominently in the magazine.爵士乐和布鲁斯音乐在这本杂志里占有重要地位。This new book perpetuates all the old myths about the Kennedy assassination.这本新书使肯尼迪遇刺事件不折不扣地继续谬种流传。This is my book. That one must be yours.这本是我的书,那本肯定是你的。




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