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词汇 庆典
例句 We enjoyed the New Year's Eve festivities.我们在新年前夜的庆典中尽享快乐。The ceremony was watched live by millions all around the world.世界各地数百万人观看了庆典的直播。We got all decked out for the occasion.我们盛装打扮出席这个庆典The Mayor cut a ribbon to launch the celebrations.市长为庆典剪彩。Another celebration had drawn to its close.又一场庆典结束了。There was a party after the ceremony where much drinking and backslapping went on.庆典之后举行了晚会,晚会上人们开怀畅饮,相互祝贺,甚为热闹。Rain chilled the glittering pageant.雨使华丽的庆典大为逊色。The ceremony is to celebrate people who broke racial barriers in the music industry.这一庆典是为了表彰音乐界那些冲破种族藩篱的人们。All formalities were observed at the ceremony.庆典仪式遵循了所有的礼节。I saw the celebrations commence with a lavish son et lumière spectacle.我看到庆典以盛大的声光表演开场。The committee appointed a day in June for celebrations.委员会把庆典定在六月的一天举行。The ceremony was watched live by millions around the world.世界各地数百万人观看了庆典的直播。He was the star turn at the celebrations.他是庆典上众人瞩目的焦点。The President brought in Ken Khachigian to write a speech for the occasion.总统把肯·卡奇吉安请来为庆典写演说辞。The celebration includes a display of fireworks.庆典中包括放烟火一项。The celebration is an anniversary occasion.庆典是每年举行的。The papal nuncio had the right to be seated in the King's presence on the occasion of any public ceremonial.在任何公共庆典仪式中,罗马教皇大使都有权在皇帝面前不起立。We don't want to cast a pall over the festivities.我们不想给庆典蒙上阴影。A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.婚礼就是快乐的爱情庆典The ceremony is to take place in the palace grounds.庆典安排在王宫举行。They watched the ceremony on a flickering black-and-white television set.他们在一台屏幕闪烁的黑白电视机上观看了庆典Her royal/ceremonial regalia was quite impressive.她的皇家/庆典服饰令人印象深刻。Dinner was served immediately after the ceremony.庆典一结束,晩宴就开始了。Friends and family are invited to a reception after the ceremony.庆典结束后,亲朋好友们应邀出席宴会。There was no celebration, no formal farewell.没有庆典,也没有正式的作别。Practically the whole nation watched the ceremony on television.几乎全国民众都通过电视观看了庆典A Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks.七月四日独立纪念日庆典包括燃放烟火。Everyone was relieved when the ceremony at the Ambassador's residence went off without a hitch.大使官邸里举行的这个庆典非常顺利,大家都松了一口气。The people who organized the festival should take a bow for its remarkable success.庆典大获成功,组织者应该受到表彰。The Christmas celebrations in Fiji are rounded off by a huge feast on Christmas Day.斐济的圣诞庆典以圣诞节那天举行的盛大宴会结束。We talked at length about the ceremony.我们就这个庆典谈论了很久。An atmosphere of joy circumfused the celebration.庆典洋溢着欢乐的气氛。Let us all partake in this celebration.让我们都加入到这个庆典中来吧。The ceremony honoured all the former presidents who are still living.这次庆典向所有仍然健在的前总统表示敬意。The poem was an apposite choice for the ceremony.这首诗很适合在庆典仪式上朗读。Tonight there will be a tribal ceremonial of great importance to mark the chief's birthday.今晚有一项重要的部族庆典,庆祝酋长的生日。Despite the oppressive heat, more than 1,000 people came to the celebration.尽管暑气逼人,还是有一千多人来参加了这次庆典I went to the festival its first year and have been returning ever since.我参加了这个节日的首次庆典,此后我每年都去参加。A wedding is a family event.婚礼是全家人的庆典The day is also inauspicious for arranging celebrations.这一天安排庆典也是不吉利的。




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