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词汇 respected
例句 He justified his innovation by citing respected authorities.他通过援引受人尊敬的权威人士的话来佐证自己的新观点。Neighbors remember her as a woman of few words whom everyone respected.在邻居的记忆中她是个话语不多、受人尊敬的女人。The grocer is respected for his honest dealing.那位食品商因老实的经营作风而赢得人们的尊敬。She was respected as a fashion icon.她被尊为时尚偶像。Her energy and intellect are respected all over the world.她的活力和才智得到了全世界的尊重。They were both intellects whose work was widely respected.他们俩都是才华出众的人,其工作深受大家的尊敬。He respected science without adulating it.他尊重科学而不迷信科学。She has been very highly respected by the media and most who follow athletics.她一直很受媒体和大部分体育运动爱好者的尊敬。He is highly respected in his profession.他在专业方面非常受人尊敬.Her associates respected her for her hard work.她的同事们敬重她努力工作的精神。While respected for his integrity, Mr. Jospin is handicapped by an image of dullness and rigidity.若斯潘先生虽然因为为人正直而受到尊敬,但他迟钝刻板的样子使他的形象大打折扣。Her parents respected her decision not to marry.她父母尊重她不结婚的决定。WWF is internationally respected for its conservation work.世界野生动物基金会因其保护野生动物的工作受到国际社会的尊重。She was much respected for her knowledge of herbs.她由于草药知识渊博而颇受尊敬。He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive.他是一位锐意进取、竞争意识很强的主管,颇受尊敬。She was a respected academic until late in life when her memory deserted her. 她晚年丧失了记忆力,在这之前她是位受人尊敬的学者。He was respected equally by young and old.青年人和老年人都尊敬他。He was respected by all who knew him for his gentlemanly consideration.他为人礼貌体贴,认识他的人都很尊重他。I went to see Professor Dandavate, a sober and respected academic.我去见了丹达维特教授,他是一位严肃、受人尊敬的学者。Charlemagne was respected as a just ruler.查理曼作为一个公正的统治者,受到大家拥戴。I wish I had respected my father a bit more.我要是当时更尊敬父亲一些就好了。A number of respected philosophers, most notably Leibniz, criticized Newton's theories.一些受人尊敬的哲学家,尤其是莱布尼茨,批评了牛顿的理论。He was respected for his spirituality and moral courage.他因脱俗的品质和道德勇气而受到尊重。The autonomy of every individual should be respected.每个人的人身自由应该受到尊重。Nobody knew him but respected him.认识他的人无不尊敬他。Her husband was a man of good character, well-liked and respected by his colleagues.她丈夫声誉良好,受到同事的喜爱与尊敬。She is highly respected for her professionalism.她因专业素质而备受尊敬。She is one of the most highly respected journalists in the country.她是该国最受尊重的记者之一。She is a highly respected professor.她是一位备受尊敬的教授。One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.中国人共有的一种观念是长者应受到尊敬。He was in his late eighties and had become the country's most respected elder statesman.他年近九旬,已成为该国最受尊崇的政界元老。He is one of Britain's most respected businessmen.他是英国最受尊敬的商人之一。She is widely respected as a politician.她作为一位政治家广受尊敬。The old man was respected for his sagacity. 这位老者因睿智而受到敬重。The court's decision must be respected.法庭的裁决必须得到遵守。The deceased was a highly respected member of the farming community.死者是农业界一位令人十分崇敬的人。Logan, a long-serving Congressman, was both feared and respected by his political opponents.洛根这位供职多年的国会议员,政敌们对他又敬又怕。It was clear to me that he respected his boss.在我看来他显然很尊重他的上司。She is a well respected member of the international community.她在国际社会中非常受人敬重。A colleague described him as well liked and respected by all.一位同事说,他是个很受众人喜爱和尊敬的人。




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