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词汇 respectable
例句 The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views.这一案例提醒人们,有些普通的、貌似体面的市民是如何仍然持有种族主义的、极度偏狭的观念,真让人不寒而栗。That dirty dress is not respectable.那件脏衣服实在穿不出去。She continues to lead a respectable life.她继续过着体面的生活。There he won first-class honours in Arabic and pulled a respectable oar.在那儿,他在阿拉伯语方面获得一级优秀成绩,表现出色。He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light.他在描述镇上体面人家时满是贬抑之词。Isolationism has a long and respectable pedigree in American history.孤立主义在美国历史上由来已久并受到推崇。Our new neighbors are very respectable people.我们的新邻居是十分可敬的人。He pretended to be a respectable citizen, but we found him out at last.他装作是可敬的市民,但我们最终认清了他的真面目。She's a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.她是位一位观念传统、受人尊敬的已婚女性。At last I have something respectable to wear!我终于可以穿上体面的衣服了!She was a teacher and a respectable member of the community.她是名教师,也是本社区受人尊敬的一员。How dare you talk to a respectable woman like that?你怎么可以对一个良家女子说那样的话? It was an eminently respectable boarding school.这是所非常好的寄宿学校。She shocked her neighbours by ignoring every convention of respectable society.她无视上流社会的任何习俗,令邻居们惊愕不已。I wore my boring, respectable suit to the interview.我穿上了那套呆板、体面的正装去参加面试。It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk.在人行道上吐痰是不文雅的。The girls in the school all come from very respectable families.这所学校的女生都出身于非常体面的家庭。Put a tie on – it'll make you look more respectable.戴上领带,这样你会显得更体面。The perpetrators of the hoax managed to dupe respectable journalists into printing their story.恶作剧者让受人尊敬的记者上了当,把他们的故事刊登了出来。Her grades were respectable but not great.她的成绩还可以,但说不上优秀。Chandler worried that the scandal would destroy his chances for a respectable career.钱德勒担心这宗丑闻会毁了他从事体面职业的机会。I have to prove myself as a respectable, balanced, person.我必须证明自己是个正派、稳重的人。His record in school was always respectable but never brilliant.他在学校的成绩一向还可以,但决不到出色的程度。Because of its notoriety that part of town was shunned by most respectable people.由于该城的这个区臭名远扬,大多数体面的人都不到那里去。The caféwas popular with locals, and not with the more respectable locals at that.那家咖啡馆很受当地人欢迎,不过不包括当地那些更有身份的人。His savings were just enough to pay for a respectable funeral.他的积蓄刚够支付举办一个体面葬礼的费用。Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he's a respectable married man.托尼年轻时老和警察惹上麻烦,可他现在是个正经的已婚男子。She comes from a very respectable family.她出身于一个非常体面的家庭。It was a highly respectable area to live in.那是一个很体面的居住区。She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.她为当地报纸写一些乏味的官样文章。She seems respectable enough.她看上去挺体面的。She earns a respectable salary.她的薪水颇为丰厚。She makes a respectable salary.她挣的薪水相当不错。His family was eminently respectable.他的家族非常有名望。He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community.他现在是一位教师,并且是社区内受人尊敬的一员。They wanted him to marry a virtuous young woman from a respectable family.他们要他娶一位出身体面、品行高尚的年轻女子。Steyne Street was a narrow street in a shabby but respectable part of town.斯坦尼大街是一条狭窄的街道,位于镇上虽然破旧却还算体面的区域。Give me a minute to fling on something a bit more respectable.等我套件稍体面点的衣服。He came from a respectable if impecunious family.他来自一个贫穷但受人尊重的家庭。Could you wait a minute while I make myself respectable?您稍等一下让我穿戴整齐好不好?




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