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词汇 respecting
例句 If that is the independence we’re talking about, no self-respecting American would hesitate for a moment to challenge it.如果这就是我们所正在讨论的独立性,没有任何一个有自尊心的美国人会在要不要挑战这种价值观上有片刻犹豫。I had learned a lesson in respecting the privacy of others.我得到了一次教训:应该尊重他人隐私。A discussion took place respecting the provision of science teaching.关于自然科学这门课的开设展开了一场讨论。By respecting other cultures, we affirm our common humanity.我们通过尊重其他文化来强化我们共同的人性。No self-respecting carpenter would treat wood in this way.没有哪个有自尊心的木匠会这样对待木头。It should be possible to be warm and well-fed, and to enjoy all the good things of life, while respecting the needs of the planet.在兼顾地球自身需要的同时,满足人们吃饱、穿暖并享受生活中所有美好事物的需求,是完全有可能的。His lechery made him the enemy of every self-respecting husband and father in the county.他因好色纵欲而成为全县所有自尊自重的丈夫和父亲的公敌。Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others.宽容在于尊重别人的意见。No self-respecting oil tycoon has fewer than two helicopters.真正的石油大亨都有不少于两架直升机。No self-respecting gourmet would travel in France without the Michelin red guide.任何地道的美食家游览法国时都会带着一本红皮的《米其林指南》。No self-respecting actor would appear in a porn movie.有自尊的演员是不会演色情电影的。It is the singleness of your character which is at the foundation of my feelings respecting you.你这种专注的性格让我由衷地敬佩。Their status was not that of a self-respecting free people.以他们的地位,谈不上有自尊心或自由。No self-respecting person would do something like that.自重的人绝不会那样做。He said anyone giving orders without respecting the wishes of his people is heading for disaster.他说任何不尊重人民意愿而发号施令的人都注定会走向灭亡。We have heard no information respecting the path of the storm.我们尚未得到有关这次风暴走向的信息。




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