例句 |
France and Britain lie third and fourth respectively.法国和英国分别列为第三和第四名。The salesclerks and the teachers got pay rises of 6% and 9% respectively.店员和教师的薪资分别增加百分之六和百分之九。John and Peter work and study respectively.约翰和彼得一个工作,一个学习。Playwrights and musicians organize themselves respectively into leagues of authors and composers.剧作家们和音乐家们分别组成作家协会和作曲家协会。The first, second and third prizes went to James, Lytton and Tom respectively.头奖、二奖、三奖分别为詹姆斯、利顿和汤姆所得。They finished first and second respectively.他们分获一二名。 |