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词汇 salary
例句 This administration awarded hefty salary increases to civil servants.该政府给公务员大幅加薪。I'll level with you - the salary's not particularly good, and there's little chance of promotion.我实话跟你说——工资并不太高,也没有多少晋升的机会。He applied a portion of his salary to savings.他把工资一部分拨作储蓄之用。Claire's on a very good salary.克莱尔年薪很高。I bet he gets a nice fat salary!我敢打赌他拿相当丰厚的薪水!I think your demand for a higher salary is perfectly reasonable.我认为你加薪的要求完全合理。This amount will be automatically deducted from your salary.这一金额将从你的工资中自动扣除。The large salary made their offer even more appealing to him.高薪使他们的提议对他更具吸引力。That's just the basic salary without overtime or tips.这只是基本工资,不包含加班费或小费。She earns a respectable salary.她的薪水颇为丰厚。We pay performance bonuses that augment your annual salary.我们支付工作表现奖金,这就增加了你的年收入。The cost must be stopped out of his salary.费用必须从他的薪金中扣除。The company offered her a fat salary.那家公司给她开出高薪。Madeline was wondering how to approach the delicate question of her salary with her new boss.马德琳不知道该怎么跟新老板谈及微妙的薪水问题。He's always moaning and groaning about his salary.他总是不断满腹牢骚地抱怨收入不高。The board members have decided to forgo any salary increase.董事会成员决定放弃加薪。My salary isn't very high, but it's better than nothing.我的薪水不算很高,但总比没有强。Computer programmers are in great demand, and a good one can earn a very high salary.电脑程序设计师需求量很大,优秀人员的薪酬极高。Half her salary goes on the rent.她的工资一半花在房租上。His salary was frozen at 200 dollars per week.他的薪水冻结在每周二百美元的水平上。It is a mystery to me how he can live so well on such a small salary.他靠这么微薄的薪水竟可以过这种阔绰的生活,这对我来说是个谜。If a woman gives up her job to look after her baby, she will risk losing her salary in the medium-term and may seriously damage her long-term career prospects.如果一个女人放弃工作去照看宝宝,她不但将面临在中期内领不到薪水的危险,而且有可能严重影响她事业的长期发展。The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting.所提供的工作机会是创建一个新的研究实验室,待遇是他当时所得工资的两倍。It's impossible to bring up a family on such a low salary.靠如此低的薪水养活一家人是不可能的。He picked the wrong time to bring up his salary.他不合时宜地提起他的薪水问题。The company automatically makes tax deductions from your salary.公司会自动从你的工资中扣除税款。I received a five percent increase in my salary.我的工资涨了百分之五。We have a differential salary structure based on employees' experience.我们按照员工工作经验的不同采用不同的薪金结构。The popular actor first demanded twice the salary offered him but then kept upping the ante.这个当红演员起初要求增加一倍薪酬,但后来不断提高要价。I was lucky enough to snare a job with a good salary and benefits.我很幸运地获得一份薪水福利都不错的工作。I promised that I'd send on her final salary cheque.我答应把她最后一个月的工资转寄给她。The salary was not to be sniffed at either.这份工资也不容小觑。Even if the salary rise materialises, it won't be worth much.即使加薪兑现了,也不会很多。You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.你们能获得大笔激励性薪水,还可享受免费膳宿。My father explained that his salary had been frozen and we would have to tighten our belts for a while.我父亲解释他的薪水遭到冻结,我们只能节衣缩食一阵子了。One-third of her salary goes to the taxman.她三分之一的薪水都给了税务部门。He wangled himself a salary increase.他耍手腕给自己涨了一回工资。My salary won't stretch to a bigger car.我的薪水买不起更大的车。You can't live on this salary. 你不能靠这点工资生活。Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance.最后一个月的薪水将透过汇寄的方式付给你。




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