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This man has a name for making tough business deals.这个人以善于做成棘手的生意闻名。Article 15 of the constitution deals with this problem.宪法的第十五条款谈及此问题。Dictators can sometimes be gently persuaded to leave power with special deals that guarantee their safety.在达成确保安全的特别协议的情况下,独裁者有时可以被温和地说服交出权力。The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.前任主席是推动该银行达到巅峰的关键人物。The store deals in sporting goods.这家商店经营运动服装和器具。The novel deals with the polar opposites of love and hate.这部小说涉及爱和恨的两个对立面。This factory deals with final assembly and testing.这家工厂负责总装和调试。The story deals with the psychological conflicts between mother and son.这个故事讲的是母子之间的心理冲突。Most of their deals were made in the dark.他们的大多数交易都是暗箱操作。The teachers' meeting deals mostly with housekeeping issues such as lunchtime supervision duties.教师会议讨论的主要是一些杂务,例如午餐监督职责等。The firm deals mainly in road construction.这家公司主要从事道路建筑。He did the backdoor deals that allowed the government to get its budget through Parliament on time.他做了不正当交易,使政府预算能够按时得到议会批准。The cheap deals brought out big crowds of shoppers.低廉的价格吸引了众多的购物者。The company didn't disclose how much it expects to gain from the two deals.这家公司未透露这两笔交易的预期获利情况。The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.该声明涉及裁军和防止核武器扩散问题。The firm has an agent in Sydney who deals with the Australian side of the business.这家公司在悉尼有代理人处理在澳大利亚方面的业务。The letter seems to imply that the president knew about the business deals.这封信似乎暗示总裁知道这几笔商业交易。He was involved in shady business deals.他参与了一些见不得人的商业交易。The stock market is convinced more cross-border deals will take place.股市相信跨境交易会越来越多。Doug's always been clever at finding the best deals available.道格总是精于寻找最有利可图的交易。The business deals in second-hand books.这家店经营二手书。The UN's drugs watchdog says traffickers are using the Internet to strike deals beyond the reach of the law.联合国毒品监管机构说毒品走私者使用互联网交易,法律鞭长莫及。The secretary deals with all the correspondence.秘书处理所有的信件。You can get even better deals if you're prepared to bargain.如果你准备好谈判,你会得到更好的交易结果。His business deals make him a tidy sum.他做生意赚了一大笔钱。Log on to our website and find out about the latest travel deals to the Far East.请登录我们的网站,查找去远东旅游的最新优惠。Rumours were flying about possible deals.关于可能的交易的传闻在满天飞。Ethics deals with moral conduct.伦理学研讨道德行为。He deals with the customers in a very professional way. = He is very professional in dealing with the customers.他很专业地与客户打交道。I have an agent who deals with all my contracts.我有一个处理我所有合同的经纪人。Take the time to close deals that have been up in the air.花费一些时间去解决那些悬而未决的事情吧。The paper deals with the nation's problems, ranging from runaway inflation to a lowering of literacy levels.这篇论文论及国家面临的从失控的通货膨胀到文化程度普遍下降等诸多问题。He deals in rare books.他经营珍本书。The film deals with some weighty issues.这部影片涉及一些重大题材。He read every book or author it deals with, often in the original.这方面的每一本书、每一位作家的作品他都读过,而且通常是读原著。There are two deals utilizing Chinese accounting.有两笔用中国结算方式的交易。The novel deals with a teenage girl's journey towards womanhood.这部小说讲述的是一个十几岁的女孩走向成年的经历。The film deals with some serious issues.这部电影涉及一些严肃的主题。A number of deals have not met the guidelines.相当数量的交易不符合指导方针的要求。He deals with emergencies promptly.他迅速处理突发事件。 |