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词汇 deal in
例句 They mainly deal in rare books.他们主要经营珍本图书。Jameson agreed to the deal in an effort to advance his political career.詹姆森为了促进政治事业的发展而同意了这笔交易。The store deals in sporting goods.这家商店经营运动服装和器具。Companies that deal in oil should prepare themselves for a price drop.做石油生意的公司应对价格下跌及早做好准备。Tax agents are visiting more than 5,000 businesses that deal in expensive items such as cars, boats, and jewels.税务员查访了五千多家公司,这些公司都经营汽车、船只和珠宝等高价商品。The store deals in secondhand clothes.这家商店经营旧衣服。He deals in antiques and fine art.他经营古玩和美术品。They suffered a great deal in those days.那时他们吃了不少苦。They deal in antiques.他们做古董买卖。We hope to tie up the deal in the next few days.我们希望在接下来的几天里完成这笔交易。As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation.作为一名科学家,我对猜测不感兴趣。I never felt I achieved a great deal in my life, apart from bringing my children into the world.除了生了几个孩子,我从未觉得自己这辈子取得了很大成就。This store deals in silk.这家店经营丝绸。She has to travel a great deal in the prosecution of her duties.她在履行职责中得作许多旅行。The business deals in second-hand books.这家店经营二手书。The two struck a deal in which Rendell took half of what a manager would.两个人达成协议,伦德尔获得相当于经理所得的一半。He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the City.他卷入了伦敦城的几桩非法交易里。He deals in rare books.他经营珍本书。Their general practice in such cases is to offer a deal. = As a general rule, they offer a deal in such cases. 在这种情况下,他们通常的做法是给个折扣。They have achieved a great deal in a short space of time.他们在短时间内取得了累累硕果。The company deals in both hardware and software.这家公司既经营硬件,又经营软件。He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the Cayman Islands.他和开曼群岛的一些不诚实交易有瓜葛。Unemployment is a big deal in the region.失业是该地区一件至关重要的大事。We are hoping to complete the deal in the first half of the year.我们希望在上半年完成这笔交易。Father deals in hardware.我父亲做五金生意。They deal in household stores.他们经营家庭用品。If you deal in facts only, perhaps we'll get somewhere.如果你只讲事实,可能我们会谈出一些结果来。Jane Pollock Antiques deals in silver and small collectables.简·波洛克古董店经营银器和小收藏品。The store deals in objects of domestic utility.那家商店出售家庭用品。We don't deal in rumor or gossip.我们不造谣传谣。Though Vivaldi had earned a great deal in his lifetime, his extravagance was such that he died in poverty.虽然维瓦尔第一生赚钱无数,但是他挥霍无度,死的时候一贫如洗。He got a rough deal in the divorce settlement.这份离婚协议对他不公平。




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