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词汇 dealing with
例句 He deals with the customers in a very professional way. = He is very professional in dealing with the customers.他很专业地与客户打交道。What's the approved way of dealing with this?怎样处理这种事情才合适?The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.管理一个大企业需要与人相处的技巧。Teachers learn tactics for dealing with aggressive children.老师们应学习对付爱惹是生非的孩子的策略。The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers.报纸指责当地警察在对付赌徒方面执法不严。We've had a rush on at the office, dealing with the backlog of orders.我们在办公室里一阵忙活,处理积压的订单。He has a wait-and-see way of dealing with difficulties.他对付困难的办法就是等着瞧。She would like the worry of dealing with her affairs taken off her hands.她希望不再为处理自己的事务而烦恼。They are introducing a system for dealing with enquiries from customers.他们正在推行一套处理客户查询的系统。He advises patience/restraint when dealing with children.他建议对孩子要有耐心/要克制。I admire her forthright way of dealing with people.我钦佩她待人率直。I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let's discuss particular cases.我难以理解抽象概念,我们讨论一些具体的案例吧。I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort.我惯于处理此类问题。The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.在处理任何内部政治分歧的苗头时,总统都毫不留情。He has an ingenious technique for dealing with problems of that sort.他处理那类问题有独门技巧。Government finances are strained to the hilt, dealing with essential services.政府的财政状况在满足基础服务方面非常拮据。One assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.人们总是想当然地认为当了父母的人更善于处理问题。The city has emergency plans for dealing with a major disaster such as a rail crash.该市制定有处理火车撞车等重大灾难的应急预案。She's still dealing with the residual effects of the accident.她仍在处理那起事故的后续问题。My responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries.我的职责包括接听电话,回复客户的垂询。He's just a boy when it comes to dealing with women.在对付女人方面,他还是个毛头小伙子。Parents and teachers should make allowances when dealing with moody teenagers.父母和老师在与情绪多变的青少年打交道时应该予以体谅。We were sickened to learn that such well-known companies were dealing with the drug kingpin.如此知名的公司竟与那毒枭有来往,我们得知此事以后十分反感。The committee will investigate more effective ways of dealing with young offenders.该委员会将会调查研究更有效的方法来处理青少年罪犯。I admired her professionalism in dealing with the task.我羡慕她处理任务时的专业精神。A panel of advisors is urging The White House to adopt a blueprint for dealing with such emergencies.顾问小组敦促白宫采纳应对这种紧急事件的计划。We came up against a great deal of resistance in dealing with the case.办这个案子的过程中,我们遇到了很多阻力。The government is now turning to the private sector for alternative ways of dealing with the country's transportation problems.政府现在正求助于私营部门,寻求解决该国交通问题的其他方法。He showed great singleness of mind in dealing with the problem.他在解决这个问题时表现得极为专注。In our dealings with the police we have found that they can blow hot and cold. Sometimes they are keen to have media help in solving a crime, other times they are more reluctant.在与警方打交道的过程中我们发现他们反复无常,有时急于寻求媒体帮助来破案,有时却不情愿。In our school, we have a gastronomic department that specializes in dealing with the kids' luncheons.在我们学校里,有一个烹饪部是专门管学童营养午餐的。The governor was usually circumspect when dealing with the media.这位州长和媒体打交道时通常都很谨慎小心。Cuban-American hardliners continue to reject any dealings with Castro.古巴裔美国人中的强硬者依然拒绝和卡斯特罗作任何交易。Robson is particularly good at dealing with people, and should make an excellent manager.罗布森特别擅长跟人打交道,应该能成为一名出色的经理。I'm dealing with customers all the time who have let their debts get out of control.我成天和那些负债累累、无力偿还的顾客们打交道。The government is dealing with a rising/swelling/growing tide of criticism over its foreign policy.政府正面临对其外交政策不断加剧的批评。Guidelines have been drawn up for dealing with emergencies.应对紧急情况的指导原则已经起草好了。The President has a raft of new proposals for dealing with inner city decay.总统提出了许多新的建议来解决旧城区衰败的问题。We need to be very careful in our dealings with these distressed young people.我们与这些苦恼的年轻人打交道要非常小心。She has a very direct way of dealing with customers.她对顾客以诚相待。




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