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词汇 deal with
例句 To my mind, she is a pleasant person to deal with.据我看来她是个很好相处的人。We have to develop a new policy/strategy to deal with the problem.我们必须制定一项新政策/策略来处理这个问题。I think he's just going to deal with this problem another day.我想他改天就会处理这个问题。The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.对付爱捉弄人的人的最佳方法就是不搭理他。The children have a chance of learning to deal with adults, without the we-they feeling.孩子们有机会学会与成人相处而无我们-他们的感觉。There are practical limits to the number of cases we can deal with each day.我们每天所能处理的案件数量有实际的限制。I don't mind giving up a couple of hours a week to deal with correspondence.我不介意一个星期腾出几个小时来处理信件。The government did a backstairs deal with the opposition.政府与反对派进行了秘密交易。The book deals with the interface between accountancy and law.本书论及会计工作和法律的关系。The company's welfare officer deals with employees' personal problems.公司负责福利的工作人员处理雇员的个人问题。He has been mixed up in several shady deals with arms dealers.他卷入了几宗与军火商的地下交易。It infuriates us to have to deal with this particular mayor.不得不跟这位市长打交道让我们大为光火。She has to deal with disgruntled customers all day.她整天都要面对不满意的顾客。His sudden switches of mood are difficult to deal with.他情绪突变,很难对付。They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit.他们同纸张供应商达成协议,可赊购两年的新闻用纸。This book deals with an important issue.这本书论及一个重要的问题。This court is not competent to deal with your case.此法院无权受理你的案件。How do you deal with a drunken husband?你怎样对付喝得醉醺醺的丈夫? The government declared a state of emergency to deal with all damage caused by the hurricane.政府宣布进入紧急状态,应对飓风造成的所有破坏。In my judgment, we should let the solicitor deal with this.在我看来,我们该让律师处理此事。The middle section of the book deals with training a dog.这本书的中间部分介绍了驯狗方面的知识。We will deal with that if the situation arises.如果出现那种情况我们会处理的。The press couldn't deal with that so they made up all this bull.新闻媒体无法应对此事,因此他们就编造了这通谎言。We will continue to deal with overseas orders.我们会继续处理海外订单。If anyone has a query I'll deal with it at the end of the meeting.如果你们有什么疑问,我将在会议结束时回答。She had been careful to sweeten the deal with a rather generous cash payment.她一直甚为审慎,想要通过支付大量现金促成这笔交易。He had to deal with his overbearing mother.他不得不应付他那专断的母亲。They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety, but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with.他们经常会收到关于人身安全问题的宣传册,但因为大量文案工作缠身,他们几乎无暇阅读。What makes the problem worse is that Howard and Tina are not on the same wavelength about how to deal with it.让问题变得更糟糕的是霍华德跟天娜在如何解决问题方面意见不合。The two countries are trying to work out a peace deal with the whole world watching.两国在全世界的关注下力图达成和平协议。You can't expect teachers fresh from college to deal with large classes of difficult children.你不能指望从大学刚刚毕业的老师去对付一大班棘手的儿童。Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports.日本将不得不与美国就大米的进口达成一笔交易。The government has to deal with the twin issues of inflation and unemployment.政府必须对付通货膨胀与失业这两个密切相关的问题。You should deal with her more politely.你应该待她更客气些。The company's deal with the government has brought cries/accusations of foul play from its competitors.有指责称这家公司与政府之间的交易存在非法勾当。The firm has an agent in Sydney who deals with the Australian side of the business.这家公司在悉尼有代理人处理在澳大利亚方面的业务。You have to learn to deal with difficult situations when they crop up.你必须学会应付突然出现的困难局面。We had to learn to deal with adversity.我们必须学会应对逆境。He's stitched up a major deal with one of the European banks.他与一家欧洲银行做成了一笔大买卖。Leave it on my desk and I'll deal with it first thing tomorrow.放在我的桌子上吧,明天一早我就来处理。




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