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词汇 dealer
例句 The dealer reshuffled the cards.庄家重新洗了牌。He was accused of purchasing cocaine from an Indianapolis drug dealer.他被控从一名印第安诺波利斯的毒品贩子手中购买可卡因。He is in debt to the automobile dealer for his car.他因买汽车而欠了汽车商一笔债。The police have the authority to confiscate the drug dealer's property.警方有权没收毒贩的财产。The car dealer offers financing. 汽车经销商提供购车贷款。His heir sold the painting to the London art dealer Agnews.他的继承人把这幅画卖给了伦敦艺术品经销商阿格纽斯。He went undercover as a drug dealer.他以贩毒者身份暗中探查。Always buy from a reputable dealer.购物什么时候都要选择信誉良好的贸易商。There is a smut dealer just near the high school.在那所高中附近,有个卖黄色书刊的人。Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!嫁给那个大腹便便的牛贩子的胖儿子?她宁愿去死!A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.二手汽车交易商总是关注车身而非引擎。Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.罗杰斯从耶路撒冷的一位商人那里购得了贵重的希伯来文手稿。The dealer was trying to pass off fakes as valuable antiques.那个商人试图用假货冒充贵重的古董。Officials in Seoul are requesting the drug dealer's extradition from Bahrain.首尔的官员正在要求把这名贩毒者从巴林引渡回来。The dealer had assured me of its quality.经销商向我保证过它的质量。They will clear every dealer from the streets.他们要清除街头所有的毒贩。The antiques dealer guessed that the furniture was Victorian and solid mahogany.古玩商猜测,那家具是维多利亚时代的,用纯红木做成。It was only after we'd had the car for a few days that we realized we'd been screwed by the dealer.车子到手几天后,我们才明白自己被经销商骗了。The suspected drug dealer was taken in for questioning.贩毒嫌疑人已被拘留审讯。The gunman had mistaken him for a drug dealer.枪手把他误认成毒品贩子。Make sure you buy your used car from an authorised dealer.旧车一定要到获授权的经销商那里去购买。It makes sense to buy at dealer prices so you can maximize your profits if you resell.明智的做法是以批发价购进,这样可以在转卖时获得最大的利润。She sold the painting through a Boston art dealer.她通过波士顿的一位艺术品经销商卖出了这幅画。The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drug dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.这两个妇女声称是一个毒贩在她们不知情的情况下把大量的海洛因放进了她们的行李。You are well advised to buy your car through a reputable dealer.强烈建议您通过值得信赖的经销商购车。You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.无论你付现金还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.这位经销商有大量的二手轿车和卡车库存。The dealer consigned the books to his London agent.商人把那批书发送到伦敦的代理商托其代售。She bought the painting from a Swiss art dealer.她是从瑞士一位艺术品交易商那里买来这幅画的。He agreed to testify against his drug dealer.他同意指证与他交易的毒贩。According to a senior currency dealer, the pound is likely to continue to rise against the dollar.根据一位资深货币交易商说,英镑兑美元的汇价有可能继续上升。The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.股票经纪人把其中一部分股票脱手给了一名乐意接盘的客户。Thus it came about that, after many years as an interior designer and antiques dealer, he combined both businesses.这样,在从事多年的室内设计和古董经营后,他把二者结合了起来。That car dealer always gives you a square deal.那个车商价格总是很公道。Let's consider the case of a dealer trying to make a sale.我们来考虑一下一个商人想要做成一笔生意的情况。If you have a good rapport with a dealer, they will always let you have first refusal on anything interesting.如果你和经销商关系好,好东西他们会任你先挑。The antique dealer had tried to palm the painting off as an original.这位古董商曾试图把这幅画当成原作骗卖出去。The old lady was conned out of her life savings by a crooked insurance dealer.这个老太太的毕生积蓄被一个奸诈的保险商骗走了。This dealer only handles used cars.这个经销商只买卖旧车。It is always a good idea to sell through a licensed dealer.通过特许经销商销售总不会错。




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