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例句 Time/speed is of the essence when dealing with a medical emergency.在处理伤病急救时,时间/速度是至关重要的。He plays a drug-dealing psycho in the movie.他在电影中扮演一个精神变态的毒品贩子。There has been a lot of wheeling and dealing over the choice of candidate.在候选人的选择上有太多的钻营。He urged restraint in dealing with the protesters.他强调在应对抗议者时要保持克制。She's still dealing with the residual effects of the accident.她仍在处理那起事故的后续问题。Robson is particularly good at dealing with people, and should make an excellent manager.罗布森特别擅长跟人打交道,应该能成为一名出色的经理。I thought you showed great diplomacy in dealing with him.我认为你在跟他打交道的过程中显得极为得体练达。She's very clever at dealing with people and saying no.她非常擅长和人打交道以及拒绝别人。The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.管理一个大企业需要与人相处的技巧。Gerald turned sour and embittered when he felt people were not dealing honestly with him.当杰拉尔德感到人们没有真诚待他时,就变得乖张易怒,怨恨不平。He was masterly in dealing with people.他处理人际关系的本领可绝了。I wish him joy of his dealing with the customer who had caused so much trouble before.他要去和那位曾搞出这么多麻烦的主顾打交道,我可真该向他道喜。I spend most of my working day dealing with customer inquiries.我工作日的大多数时候都在处理顾客的询问。I spent the morning dealing with my emails.我用上午的时间来处理电子邮件。I admired her professionalism in dealing with the task.我羡慕她处理任务时的专业精神。Make sure you are dealing with a bona fide company.要确保和你打交道的不是皮包公司。The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.在处理任何内部政治分歧的苗头时,总统都毫不留情。You want your best staff dealing with the best customers.你希望用最好的员工接待最好的客户。She is dealing with the stresses of working full-time and going to school.她正面临全职工作和上学带来的压力。If they catch you dealing drugs, you'll get expelled.如果他们抓到你在卖毒品,你会被开除的。By not dealing with the problem of radioactive waste, we are putting the lives of future generations at risk.我们不处理放射性废弃物的问题,就等于把子孙后代的生命置于险境而不顾。The land developers did a lot of under-the-table wheeling and dealing.那个土地开发投资人干了很多非法的交易。Most families have a very difficult time dealing with a family member's drug addiction.大多数的家庭都会觉得极难应付家里有人沾上毒瘾这种事。The book has an action-packed plot dealing with life during the Civil War.这本书情节复杂,写的是内战时期的生活。The city has emergency plans for dealing with a major disaster such as a rail crash.该市制定有处理火车撞车等重大灾难的应急预案。The rescue workers showed remarkable resilience in dealing with the difficult conditions.这些救援人员在应对困境时表现出了惊人的适应能力。In dealing with suicidal youngsters, our aims should be clear.在对待有自杀倾向的青少年时,我们的目标应当很明确。We are dealing not only with single cells but with groups of cells.我们不仅在研究一个个的细胞,还在研究一组组的细胞。The government is dealing with a rising/swelling/growing tide of criticism over its foreign policy.政府正面临对其外交政策不断加剧的批评。He was constitutionally incapable of dealing with conflict.他天生处理不了冲突。He is an old hand at dealing with pressure.他是应对压力的一位老手。The city council has to find a better way of dealing with domestic waste. One answer is to burn it.市议会必须想出更好的办法来处理家居垃圾问题,其中一个办法就是焚烧。He spends his time wheeling and dealing on the stock exchange.他把时间都花在股票交易的投机取巧上。Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.雇主将用此协议作为处理日后工资要求的准则。It's important to keep a level head when you're dealing with a dangerous situation like this one.你在应对类似这样的危险处境时,重要的是要保持头脑冷静。She got caught dealing drugs in school.她在学校贩毒时被抓。Inspector Grimes was used to dealing with frantic parents.格兰姆斯巡官习惯同急疯了的家长打交道。I want to share a helluva problem that I've been dealing with.我想聊聊我一直在处理的一个非常棘手的问题。When it comes to dealing with my own son, I think I know best.对于我儿子的事情,我想我最有权威。Charlotte informed on her brother, who was then arrested for drug-dealing.夏洛特告发了她的弟弟,他后来因贩卖毒品被捕了。




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