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词汇 Dean
例句 Dean's really landed me in it by saying that I didn't mind helping.迪安说我会乐意帮忙,这可真让我为难。Dean produced another tray of food and handed it around.迪安又拿出一盘食物,然后分给大家。Lois and Dean's relationship is on needles and pins.洛伊斯与迪安总是冷言冷语,针锋相对。Bill Dean has been elected chairman of the committee.比尔·迪安已当选为委员会主席。The actor James Dean acquired the status of a cult hero.演员詹姆斯·迪安成了人们崇拜的偶像。Mary went upstairs to look for Dean and seconds later I heard a blood-curdling scream.玛丽上楼去找迪安,没过几秒钟我听到了一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫。He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.他也开始接二连三地和艾奇逊院长发生争执。Dean produced another bottle and handed it round.迪安又拿出一瓶,挨个儿传给大家。The Archbishop began his address, thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey.大主教开始讲话,他首先感谢威斯敏斯特教堂的教长和全体教士对他的邀请。Don't go in there right now - I think Dean and Carlo are having a heart-to-heart.现在别进去,我看迪安和卡洛正在谈心呢。He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean.他避而不谈他和斯坦利·迪安第一次会面的情况。Dean Ely sings the title role.迪安・埃利唱的是剧名角色。You can count on Dean to ruin any party.不管什么派对,迪安准能把它搞砸。Dean punched her in the ribs and pushed her against the wall.迪安用拳头打她的肋骨,并把她推到墙上。Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver.迪安试图用一把改锥捅他。I'm sure you have principled disagreements with several of Dean's positions.我敢肯定你对迪安的几个观点持有原则性的反对意见。Dean was a drug addict who was constantly on the run from the police.迪安是个吸毒者,经常在逃避警方的追缉。I have tremendous respect for Dean.我非常敬重迪安。Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.斯坦·迪安坐在门口,他那顶奇形怪状的帽子一下子就让人认出他来。I'll lay odds that Dean is at your office right now.我敢打赌迪安现在就在你办公室。She was Dean of the Science faculty at Sophia University.她是上智大学科学院的院长。I'll lay odds on that Dean is at your office right now.我敢打赌迪安现在就在你办公室。Another prolific scorer is Dean Saunders.另外一个得分高手是迪安·桑德斯。Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales.迪安·理查兹被召回英格兰队参加对阵威尔士的比赛。Teenagers made Dean their idol.青少年把迪安奉为偶像。He couldn't wait to get home and tell Dean the news.他迫不及待地要回家告诉迪安这个消息。Dean got really drunk and started busting up the bar.迪安喝得大醉,开始砸酒吧。Dean Jones is with the Australian touring team in Sri Lanka.迪安·琼斯正随澳大利亚巡回赛队在斯里兰卡。Dean died three days before the opening of Rebel Without A Cause, his most celebrated film.迪安在其最著名的影片《天生叛逆》首映前三天去世。I'm making inquiries about the circumstances of Mary Dean's murder.我在调查玛丽·迪安谋杀案的详情。Dean always loved fast cars and expensive clothes.迪安总是喜欢高速的汽车和昂贵的衣服。Anna's bedroom wall was covered in posters of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.安娜的卧室墙上全是詹姆斯·迪安和玛丽莲·梦露的海报。The course is organized by Sheila Dean who, by the way, is head of marketing now.这课程是希拉·迪安安排的,顺便说一下,她现在是市场部的主管。The Archbishop began his address, thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey.大主教在开始演讲之前,首先感谢威斯敏斯特大教堂的主教和全体教士邀请他来到这里。His love of James Dean movies verged on fanaticism.他对詹姆斯·迪安影片的热爱近乎狂热。The movie features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.这部电影由詹姆斯‧迪安饰演一个心怀不满的少年。Mr Dean carried on his baking business until he retired.迪安先生做烘焙生意一直到退休。Sergeant Dean claims that he was acting on the orders of the police chief.迪安巡警声称他是按警察局长的命令行事。




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