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词汇 dealers
例句 He started mixing with drug dealers, pimps, and other lowlife.他开始与毒贩、皮条客等不法之徒混在一起。Car dealers are heavily discounting last year's unsold models.汽车经销商在对去年没卖出去的汽车进行大减价促销。The authorities have the power to seize the assets of convicted drug dealers.当局有权没收被判有罪的毒贩的资产。A few dishonest dealers give the used car trade a bad name.少数奸商给旧车交易这个行业造成了不好的名声。Some officials had apparently taken bribes from arms dealers.一些官员显然接受了武器商的贿赂。It is a highly influential art magazine that is widely read by dealers.这是一本非常有影响力的艺术杂志,在画商中有很多读者。He got in with local drug dealers.他和当地的毒贩子搞在了一起。There was a suggestion that the authorities were in league with the drug dealers.有迹象显示当局与毒犯勾结。You can search on the Internet for the names of dealers in your area.你可以在互联网上查找你所在地区经销商的名字。He has been mixed up in several shady deals with arms dealers.他卷入了几宗与军火商的地下交易。The community is struggling to fight against drug dealers and prostitution, in their effort to make the area a safer place to live.该社区正在对抗贩毒分子和卖淫以努力使该地区成为更安全的居住区。Many car dealers offer a generous trade-in allowance.许多汽车经销商为以旧换新交易提供优厚的折扣。I told the dealers that their advertising wasn't getting through.我告诉商人们他们的广告没有效果。The police aren't interested in these small-time drug dealers; they're after much bigger game.警方对这些小毒贩不感兴趣,他们在追捕大毒枭。The government has started to tighten the screws on illegal share dealers.政府开始打压不法券商。The police had planted an officer in the club to catch the drug dealers.警方在该俱乐部安插了一名警官,准备抓捕毒贩。Police chiefs called on the local people to unite against the drug dealers.警长们号召当地百姓联合起来反对毒贩。Ella taught her how to haggle with used furniture dealers.埃拉教她如何和旧家具经销商砍价。People who have fingered drug dealers have been assassinated.指认毒品走私犯的几个人被暗杀了。Computers are sold direct to end users as well as through dealers.电脑除了通过经销商出售,还直接售予最终用户。Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.这个地方的街头流浪儿童常常落入毒品贩子的魔掌中。She has never been comfortable in the rarefied world of art dealers.她在艺术品经销商这个曲高和寡的小圈子里总感到别扭。They take drug dealers' boats, cars and houses and auction them off after the crooks are convicted.他们收缴毒贩的船、车和房产,并在这些恶棍被定罪后将其拍卖掉。The book describes the author's journey into the netherworld of drug dealers.这本书讲述了作者考察毒贩黑社会的经历。In my neighbourhood, the local crack dealers would have taken him out a long time ago.我们这片的本地毒贩早就想废了他了。Most drug dealers have a few cops in their pocket.大多数毒贩手上都操纵着几个警察。In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.在某些地区,毒贩公然在街角进行交易。Police have been taking on the neighborhood's drug dealers.警方一直在打击这一街区的毒贩子。At last the government is starting to get tough with dealers who sell dangerous second-hard cars.政府终于开始对出售危险二手车的车商采取强硬手段了。The state has established harsh penalties for drug dealers.政府已经针对毒贩制定了严厉的惩罚措施。Lister's dead. Ditto three Miami drug dealers.利斯特死了。三个迈阿密的毒品贩子也死了。Several antique dealers bid up the best lots to shut out less experienced bidders.几个古董商哄抬头等拍品的价格,要把经验较少的竞买者排挤出去。He regarded drug dealers with loathing.他对贩毒分子深恶痛绝。The police were, in fact, in cahoots with the drug dealers.实际上,警察和贩毒分子是一伙的。Two dealers bid against each other for the table.两个商人为这张桌子互相竞价。The man we're after is one of the biggest drug-dealers in South America.我们在追捕的那名男子是南美最大的毒贩之一。Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank's action.投资者和外汇交易商被德意志联邦银行的这一举措打了个措手不及。Since the US market has now been saturated, drug dealers are looking to Europe.由于美国的市场现在已经饱和,毒贩们开始转向欧洲。Residents of the neighborhood accuse police of looking the other way as drug dealers become more active there.那一街区的居民指责警方对那里毒贩日益猖獗的情况视而不见。New police chief Brody promised to get rid of the city's drug dealers.新任警察局长布罗迪承诺要扫荡这个城市里的毒贩。




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