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词汇 Helen
例句 Helen became increasingly anxious about her husband's strange behaviour.海伦越来越担心她丈夫的反常行为。I begged Helen to stay, but she wouldn't listen.我恳求海伦留下来,可她就是不听。I was told in no uncertain terms that Helen, wouldn't you know it, didn't approve.别人肯定地告诉我说海伦不赞成,难道你不知道。Helen reached out to touch his face.海伦伸出手去摸他的脸。Helen used to hang round with the boys.海伦以前常和那些男孩子们厮混。Helen breezed into the sitting room.海伦轻盈地走进了起居室。Helen's choice of lipstick was a good match for her skin-tone.海伦选择的唇膏很衬她的肤色。Within hours of the news, Helen arrived to comfort her heartbroken friend.得到消息几小时以后,海伦赶来安慰她那心碎的朋友。It was Helen's idea and what Helen says goes.那是海伦的主意,她怎么说就怎么做。He gotcha, Helen. Give the boy credit.他赢了你了,海伦。表扬一下这个男孩吧。Helen was put in the capable hands of hair stylist Daniel Herson.海伦由美发大师丹尼尔·赫森给她做头发。Helen and Tony kneeled at the altar.海伦和托尼跪在圣坛前。Well, you're news comes at a good time, Helen.啊,海伦,你的消息来得正是时候。As we left, I turned to wave goodbye to Helen.我们走的时候,我转身向海伦挥手告别。He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year.他和海伦去年庆祝了他们的银婚。Helen had come in, fussing about something or other.海伦进来了,不知因为什么事正闹脾气。His eyes drifted over to Helen's chair.他的目光移到海伦的椅子上。Helen was small and slightly built.海伦个头矮小,身材苗条。Tears sprang to his eyes as he thought of Helen.当他想到海伦时,一下子泪如泉涌。I think we have all benefited greatly from Helen's knowledge and experience.我认为海伦的知识和经验,使我们大家都受益非浅。Helen is always one for a good party.海伦总是很喜欢参加愉快的聚会。Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia.海伦是澳大利亚非常著名的小说家。Helen's hands were thin and veined.海伦的双手枯瘦,青筋凸起。Helen threw her arms about him.海伦张开双臂拥抱他。Lorraine was ready to stand in if Helen got sick.如果海伦病了,洛林准备替换她。Helen sat upright in her chair.海伦笔直地坐在椅子上。Helen will be road testing new products and commenting on new trends.海伦将试用新产品并点评新趋向。If anyone's in line for promotion, I should think it's Helen.如果有人会获得晋升,我觉得应该是海伦。Helen's hat was limp and shapeless from the rain.海伦的帽子被雨淋得瘪塌塌不成样子。The door was ajar and Helen peeped in.门虚掩着,海伦往里偷看。What can I give Helen to do? She's finished the filing.我给海伦做什么呢?她刚完成归档。The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.她因海伦的去世而感到悲痛难当。He was teaching Helen a little rhyme.他当时正教海伦一首押韵小诗。Helen was ill fitted to fulfil her daughter's ideal of a gentle mother-figure.海伦与她女儿理想中的温柔母亲形象相去甚远。Helen had been struggling against suicidal tendencies.海伦一直在压制心里的自杀念头。Helen was always a difficult child. None of her teachers knew how to manage her.海伦这孩子总是很难对付,她的老师中没有一个知道怎样才能管住她。Kieran felt very out of place among Helen's solicitor friends.基兰在海伦的律师朋友圈中感到非常不自在。The tone of Helen's voice approached severity.海伦的语气近乎严厉。We could see Helen in the distance, coming down the hill.我们可以从远处看到海伦从小山上下来。Helen's coming for tea.海伦要来吃晚餐。




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