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The air is perfumed with the flowers.空气中弥漫着花的芳香。A pleasant aroma filled the house.房子里弥漫着一种宜人的芳香。Good Burgundy has an earthiness and complexity of flavour.好的勃艮第葡萄酒有一种泥土的芳香和丰富的口感。The flowers exuded a sweet fragrance.这些花散发出甜美芳香。Roses shed their fragrance around them.玫瑰花向四周散发芳香。Red Delicious红色有黄纹的芳香苹果 The lustful aroma — a mix of chocolaty caramel and coconut — will have strangers and lovers swooning.混杂着巧克力焦糖和椰果的浓郁芳香会使陌生人和情侣们神魂颠倒。The plant has fragrant red and white flowers.这种植物能开出芳香的红花和白花。The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.花园里的空气温煦而又芳香。The sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly sweet.酱本身味道清淡、芳香,而且稍微有点儿甜味。The perfume was evocative of spring.芳香使人想起春天。It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.它会让头发闻起来清新、芳香,令人愉悦。The wine has a smooth/fruity/sweet aftertaste.这种葡萄酒饮用后有种醇和的/果味的/芳香的感觉。The essential oil does not have the sweetness of lavender but is strong.精油没有薰衣草那种芳香,但是气味很浓。The air was heavy with the fragrance of wild blooms.空气中弥漫着野花浓郁的芳香。The perfume of the roses filled the room.房间里弥漫着玫瑰花的芳香。This wine is very mellow.这种葡萄酒特别芳香醇正。The air was filled with the scent of roses.空气中弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。Gold Delicious黄绿色的芳香苹果 Vermouth, aromatized wine, is becoming popular in its own right.味美思芳香酒凭其本身的质量正日益成为大众爱饮的酒。The garden was heavy with the scent of summer.花园里满是夏日浓郁的芳香。The forest was cool and fragrant, and the walk through it calmed my spirits.森林里阴凉芳香,走在其中让我心情平静。The flowers fling their fragrance all around.花儿到处散发着芳香。She lay in the deep bath for a long time, enjoying its sensuously perfumed water.她在一个深浴缸里泡了半天,享受着舒服而充满芳香的沐浴。The park smells of flowers.公园里弥漫着鲜花的芳香。The delicious smell of freshly made coffee came from the kitchen.新煮好的咖啡的芳香从厨房里飘了出来。The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide.花儿的芳香散发到四面八方。The air is scented with rose.空气里充满了玫瑰花的芳香。The flowers give off a heady scent at night.这些花在晚上散发出醉人的芳香。Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.芳香胶囊对缓解鼻塞有奇效。A cool autumn breeze blew past, carrying with it the scent of pine.凉爽的秋风吹过,带着松树的芳香。She could easily recall the smell of the orange groves.她常常回忆起那个柑橘园的芳香。She buried her face in the roses, drinking in the fragrance.她把脸埋在玫瑰里,吸入芳香。Roses scented the air.玫瑰花的芳香弥漫在空气中。The tropical flowers sent forth a wonderful fragrance.热带花卉散发出迷人的芳香。Herbs were used to give an especially aromatic bouquet to the wine.使用香草给葡萄酒添加一种特殊的芳香。The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window.藤本月季的芳香飘进了窗户。He buried his face in the flowers, drinking in the fragrance.他把脸埋入花里,吸入芳香。The aroma of coffee brought Christine into the small cafe.咖啡的芳香把克里斯蒂娜带进了这家小小的咖啡馆。There were fragrant ginger flowers on either side of the path.路两旁开着芳香怡人的姜花。 |