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词汇 headteacher
例句 The headteacher promised the parents that he would be going into the matter of bullying very thoroughly.校长向家长保证他将对欺负同学的事作彻底追查。The headteacher has responsibility for the management of the school.校长担负着管理学校的责任。The headteacher posted up a list of prize winners.校长张贴出了一张获奖者的名单。The headteacher told them to turn out their pockets.校长叫他们掏空口袋。Change is certainly needed and the new headteacher needs to get things moving quickly.改革肯定是需要的,新校长必须尽快取得进展。The headteacher spoke in a severe voice.校长说话的口吻很严厉。The headteacher told the boys that he would not support that kind of behaviour.校长告诉那些男孩子,他不会容忍那样的行为。She was sent for by the headteacher in her office.校长派人请她来办公室。I would think we need to speak to the headteacher about this first.我想,这件事我们需要先去问问校长的意见。I asked him to point out the new headteacher to me at the party.晚会上,我请他把新校长指给我看。The headteacher takes her duties up in August.校长将于八月份上任。The headteacher thanked the boys for their efforts, which he said were most commendable.校长感谢那些男孩所作的努力,他说他们的努力是最值得赞扬的。You'll have to get official permission from the headteacher.你得从校长那里获得正式许可。Just as the teacher plays the role of leader in the classroom, so does the headteacher play a leadership role in the school.在课堂上老师扮演着领导者的角色,同样,在学校里校长也充当着领导者的角色。The boys let his tyres down while he was in the headteacher's office.他在校长办公室的时候,这些男孩子把他车胎的气放掉了。




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