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词汇 carry
例句 He vowed quite solemnly that he would carry out his promise.他非常庄严地发誓要实现他的诺言。This suitcase is light enough for a child to carry.这个箱子很轻,小孩子都能拿得动。The gun has a carry of 400 yards.这枪的射程为四百码。The pipelines, which carry oil across Alaska, are designed to withstand extremely low temperatures.横越阿拉斯加的输油管被设计成能够经受极低的气温。If he wants to carry on living here, he's going to have to change his ways and learn to be a bit less messy.要是他想继续在这儿住下去,就得改改样子,学着干净整洁一点。Will it inconvenience you to carry this package to your mother?把这个包裹带给你母亲会给你添麻烦吗?Smith obstinately refused to carry out the order.史密斯固执地拒绝执行命令。It's too noisy in here to carry on a conversation.这里太嘈杂,无法进行谈话。If your job involves a lot of paperwork, you're going to need something to carry it all in.如果你的工作要求做很多文字工作,你就需要有东西来装所有文件。I packed the book in my carry-on.我把那本书塞进了我的随身行李。He would carry the guilt with him forever.他会永远内疚。Weekend flights carry a supplement.周末航班要收附加费。You'll finish up dead if you carry on drinking like that.如果你继续这样喝下去的话,会把自己喝死的。The company will carry you until your illness is over.公司将维持你的生计直到你的病完全痊愈。Trying to carry out that simple task reminded me of how physically debilitated I was.那么简单的一件事我要很努力才能完成,这使我意识到我的身体是多么虚弱。The children helped to carry their mother's purchases from the shops.孩子们帮母亲搬运从商店里购买的东西。The Social Democrats could still carry out their threat to leave the government.社会民主党人仍有可能将其退出政府的威胁付诸实施。My legs refused to carry me further.我的腿再也不能往前跑了。I know it's difficult, but you need to carry on as best you can.我知道这很难,但是你需要尽最大的努力坚持下去。You should not allow unqualified people to carry out work on your house.你不能让非专业人员来装潢你的房子。He has been left to carry the can for a decision he didn't make.那不是他作出的决定,但是却让他背了黑锅。Sound seems to carry better in the still evening air.声音在宁静的夜空中似乎传得更远。A tick can often carry diseases, making it a danger to its hosts.蜱经常会传播疾病,对寄主造成威胁。Are you strong enough to carry that heavy box?你搬得动那个重箱子吗?There is no necessity to carry identification.没有必要携带身份证明。A new generation of satellites will carry particularly sensitive instruments.新一代卫星将携带特别灵敏的仪器。Let me carry that bag for you.让我给你拿那个包吧。Are you licensed to carry a firearm?你有持枪的许可吗?If you make a threat, be sure to carry it out if he errs again.如果你采用威胁的手段,那么如果他再次出轨,你就得说到做到。Deep-sea divers carry cylinders of oxygen on their backs.深海潜水员背上背有氧气筒。It is expensive to buy and a bind to carry home.买这个费用很贵,搬回家也费劲。He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。The bridge could only carry up to two cars at a time.这座桥至多只能同时承受两辆汽车的重量。The new team have to carry the work forward.新的团队必须把这项工作进行下去。The railways carry millions of tons of freight every year.铁路每年运送数百万吨的货物。Stock brokers do not fear that the big market makers will refuse to carry out the business.股票经纪人不怕做市商巨头会拒绝开展这项业务。The new mobile phones are slim enough to carry in your pocket.那新款的移动电话很薄,可以放在口袋里随身携带。I've never been able to carry a tune.我从来都找不准调子。I shall always carry with me the memory of that child's tortured face.那个遭受毒打摧残的孩子面容将永远留在我的记忆之中。It was small, but very awkward to carry.它虽然小,但不便携带。




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