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词汇 taxation
例句 Any question about taxation is likely to produce a lively debate in parliament.有关税收的任何问题都有可能在议会中引起一场激烈的辩论。If the government raises direct taxation, it will lose votes.政府提高直接税会失去选票。It's the little people who bear the brunt of taxation.税负压力最大的是平民百姓。The local magistrates hope that the central government can devolve the taxation rights to the local cities and municipalities.地方的县市首长希望中央能将税收的权利转移到地方政府手上。This income is totally exempt from taxation.这项收入完全免税。We believe in low taxation and small government.我们支持低税收和小政府。We campaigned on a platform of low taxation.我们竞选的纲领是降低税率。We're aiming at reducing taxation over the next two years.我们力求在今后两年减税。The government reacted by increasing taxation.政府的反应是增加税收。With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.独立税收制度的推行使已婚妇女的地位更加清晰。Switzerland is initialing a revised agreement on double taxation with Poland.瑞士正在草签一份关于与波兰双重课税修订协议。Any system of taxation lends itself to manipulation by clever or unscrupulous men.任何税收制度都会被圆滑或无耻之徒钻空子。I've always taken a rather fatalistic attitude to taxation.对待税收我一直采取一种颇为听天由命的态度。High taxation rates have undermined work incentives.高税率削弱了工作激励措施的作用。He denied that taxation had wrecked the economy.他否认税收摧毁了经济。Any profits made are totally exempt from taxation.所获利润完全免税。We're not directly affected by the changes in taxation.我们并没有因税制的改变而直接受到影响。The company is trying to shield its profits from taxation. 这家公司正在竭力逃避上缴利润税。For most businessmen, the central questions will turn on taxation.大多数生意人最关心的就是税收问题。 The hospital was funded from taxation.这家医院的资金来自税收。They favor reduced taxation on capital gains. 他们赞成对资本利得减税。The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.民主党人不再强调直接征税。Studies show that taxation produces no notable equalization of income.研究表明税收没有导致显著的收入平均化。The issue of taxation has once again come to the fore.税收问题再次成为焦点。We must try to right the balance between taxation and government spending.我们必须设法让税收与政府的支出恢复平衡。I accepted his argument that taxation should be increased.我接受了他提出的应该增税的论点。The kiss of life could be a concession on taxation powers for the Scottish Assembly.对苏格兰议会来说,可以在税收权利方面做出让步以恢复元气。He set out to write a short book on taxation.他着手写一本关于税收的小册子。Compensation could be made by adjustments to taxation.通过调整税收可以作出补偿。It was, he said, criminally irresponsible for any party to say it would never raise personal taxation.他说,如果任何政党声称永远不会提高个人赋税,那都是错误而且不负责任的说法。We must increase taxation if we are to spend more money on education.如果我们要在教育上多花钱就得增加税收。Reducing taxation further could have disastrous economic consequences.进一步减税可能会带来灾难性的经济后果。He made a number of simplifications in the taxation system.他在税制上作了些简化。They were treated as a married couple for taxation purposes.计算税额时他们被视同已婚夫妇。Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm.王室的税收通常要用于国防。Having already limited local taxation, why not go the whole hog and abolish it completely?既然已经对地方征税进行了限制,那为什么不进行到底,彻底将它废除了呢?The global trend towards higher taxation on fuel consumption is souring relations with leading oil-producing states.全球调高燃油消费税的趋势,损害了与主要产油国之间的关系。The charge was seen as just another form of taxation.这项收费被视为另一种形式的税收。The party's policy is to reduce the burden of taxation on the poor.该党的政策是减轻穷人的纳税负担。Let me reiterate that we have absolutely no plans to increase taxation.让我再一次重申我们绝对没有增税的计划。




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