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词汇 prime
例句 The prime minister was greeted with pomp and circumstance.首相在仪式上受到了隆重的欢迎。Our prime concern is providing jobs for all young school leavers.我们的头等大事是要为中学毕业后不再升学的年轻人提供工作。This is a prime candidate for best movie of the year.这是年度最佳电影的最佳候选片。The prime suspect for the food poisoning is the potato salad.引起食物中毒的首要可疑对象是土豆沙拉。The French prime minister has now lent his name to the protest.法国总理现在已开始声援这次抗议活动。His future as prime minister depends on the outcome of the elections.他能否继续坐在首相的位子上取决于选举的结果。Those who were firmly on-message dutifully defended the prime minister's actions to the media.那些铁杆支持者尽心尽职地为首相对媒体采取的行动辩护。The prime minister wants to stop Italy's huge public debt growing, and to make its public services more efficient.总理希望意大利的公共债务停止扩大并提高公共服务的效率。With an election in the offing, the prime minister is keen to maintain his popularity.选举在即,首相非常注意保持其声望。Teenagers are a prime target group for marketing strategies.青少年是营销策略的一个主要目标群。Mrs Thatcher was Britain's first woman prime minister.撒切尔夫人是英国第一位女首相。The prime minister triumphed, but it was seen as a pyrrhic victory with its costly union concessions.首相虽然胜利了,却被认为是惨胜,因其对工会作出了极大的让步。Marinated grilled flank steak is a good substitute for prime cuts of beef.腌制后烤炙而成的后腹侧牛排是上等牛排很好的替代品。The champion was in prime condition.当时这位冠军状态正佳。The prime minister arranged a meeting in his private office.首相在他的私人办公室里安排了一次会谈。The prime minister has promised to tighten up the law on carbon dioxide emissions.首相承诺要更严格执行控制二氧化碳排放的法规。The prime minister is meeting his German counterpart.首相正在会见德国总理。This could be a make-or-break speech for the prime minister.这可能是决定首相成败的一次演讲。The prime minister was rudely awoken to the realities of international finance.首相突然明白了国际金融的现状。The prime minister dealt with the interviewer's questions in a very artful way.首相很巧妙地回答了采访者的问题。The new prime minister admitted that her maiden speech had been too long.新首相承认她的首次讲演太冗长了。Old people are a prime target for thieves.老年人是窃贼的首选目标。The prime minister is thought to favour an early referendum on the issue.人们认为首相支持对此尽早举行全民公决。The prime minister is expected to reshuffle his ministerial team next month.首相预计会在下月对其部长班子进行重组。The prime minister gave his full support to the reforms.首相对改革表示全力支持。The affair could tarnish the reputation of the prime minister.这一事件可能有损首相的名誉。The prime minister was in a combative mood, twice accusing the opposition of gross incompetence.首相斗志旺盛,两次指责反对党极端无能。The university has already conferred honorary degrees on several prime ministers.大学已经向几位首相授予了荣誉学位。The meat must be of prime quality.这些肉的质量一定是最好的。The president is essentially a figurehead: the real power lies with the prime minister.总统实质上有名无实:实权掌握在总理手里。It's a tragedy that these young people were struck down in their prime.这些年轻人英年早逝真是令人痛心。Political stability will be a prime concern.政治稳定将成为人们首要关心的事情。The opposition parties have made the senate a parliamentary hair shirt for the prime minister.反对党使首相在上议院里的日子很难过。The prime minister admitted that the crisis had been mishandled.首相承认没有处理好危机。Her strongest criticism was reserved for the prime minister whom she accused of "nauseating hypocrisy".她对首相的批评最为激烈,指责他“虚伪得令人作呕”。The prime minister convened (a meeting of) his cabinet to discuss the matter.首相召集部长(开会)讨论这个问题。Who should arrive at the party but the prime minister, no less!来参加聚会的不正是首相吗,千真万确!Maths is no longer a prime requirement for a career in accountancy.在会计职业中数学已不再是最基本的要求了。Pompeii is one of Italy's prime tourist attractions.庞贝是意大利主要的旅游胜地之一。It would be stupid to pretend this was anything but a blow to the prime minister.自欺欺人地以为这事绝不会对首相造成打击是愚蠢的。




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