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词汇 Talk
例句 Talk over problems, don't bottle them up inside.有问题就说出来,别憋在心里。Talk of the devil! I was just telling everyone about your promotion.真是说谁谁就到!我正在跟大家说你提升的事呢。Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame.按部就班地把事情讲清楚。不要责难也不要分摊责任。Elliott accused me of being selfish. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!艾丽特责备我自私,真是“锅嫌壶黑”。Talk turned to money and tempers began to fray.话题一转向钱,火气就上来了。Talk about cold – I was freezing!好冷啊,我都快冻僵了。Talk to the bank before you go overdrawn.透支前先向银行咨询。Talk about being lazy – she wouldn't move an inch!说到懒啊,她一寸都不愿挪动!Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company.和其他特许经营者谈一谈,问问他们对母公司是什么看法。Talk over any worries with your GP.有什么担心的就和你的全科医生谈一谈。Talk like that and I'll give you a smack in the mouth.再这样说话,我就让你嘴巴吃拳头。Did you see the film last night? Talk about laugh! I've never laughed so much in my life.昨晚的电影你看了吗? 可好笑啦! 我活到现在还没这么大笑过。Talk won't get us anywhere.闲谈对我们毫无益处。Talk about bad luck! Last night Ray's car was broken into for the second time this month.真倒霉!昨晚,雷的车又被撬了,这已经是这个月第二次了。She threw the cake I'd made on the floor and stood on it. Talk about being humiliated!她把我做的蛋糕扔到地上,然后踩在了上面。真是欺人太甚!Talk drifted desultorily from one topic to another.漫无目的地东拉西扯。Talk out your problems. Do not keep them bottled up.把问题说出来,别都憋在心里。You should have seen Boris's face when Hugh tapped him on the shoulder. Talk about surprise!你真该看看休拍了一下鲍里斯肩膀时,鲍里斯脸上的表情。那叫一个惊讶!Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame.把事情按部就班地讲清楚。不要责难或归罪于人。Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief.同别人聊聊你的失落和痛苦。Talk to a friend who will really listen and not brush aside your feelings.和一个能真正倾听你诉说并重视你感受的朋友谈谈。Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship.用友好随意的方式跟他谈谈这一关系吧。She didn't wince and her eyes were dry. Talk about brave. She was unbelievable.她连眉头也未皱一下,也没哭。说到勇敢,她令人难以置信。Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief.把自己的失落和悲伤向他人倾诉。Talk of religion was forbidden in the family circle.在家庭范围内禁止谈论宗教。Talk to the bank before you go overdrawn.透支前先向银行咨询一下。Took us quite a while to get here, didn't it? Talk about Fate moving in a mysterious way!.我们用了很长时间才走到今天这步,是吧?这就叫命运难测啊!Talk is cheap.说空话是不费力的。Talk of his ill health cast gloom over the celebrations.他身体状况不佳的传言给庆祝活动蒙上了一层阴影。Talk to personnel if you have any questions about your health insurance.如果有关于健康保险的问题,请去咨询人事部门。Talk to the head honcho. 和大老板谈谈。Talk to an independent financial adviser before you invest your money.把你的钱作投资之前,先找一位独立的理财顾问谈谈。Talk of partition is very much in the air.瓜分之说甚嚣尘上。Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship.要用友好、温柔的方式和他谈感情的事情。Talk rose in the capital of increasing the taxes.首都有增加税收的传说。Talk to your GP before embarking on a new exercise regime.在开始实施新的健身方案之前,先跟你的全科医生谈一谈。Talk poured from him in a brilliant jet.他口若悬河,妙语连珠。Talk to HR about benefits.和人力资源部谈福利问题。Talk to the career counselors and check out the reference books on career choices.去和就业顾问谈谈,并去查找一些有关选择职业的参考书。




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