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词汇 tales
例句 Fairy tales can be interpreted in several different ways.童话故事可以从不同的角度去解释。Fairy-tales intrigue most children.大多数孩子都十分喜爱神话故事。When the company went under, tales of his extravagance surged through the industry.公司破产后,有关他铺张浪费的种种传闻传遍了整个行业。He has a bellyful of absorbing tales.他有一肚子好听的故事。They astounded audiences with their fanciful costumes and their fascinating tales.他们的奇装异服和奇趣的故事让观众惊诧。The media have been filled with tales of horror and loss resulting from Monday's earthquake.媒体上尽是星期一发生的地震所带来的恐惧和损失的报道。My grandfather told us tales of faraway lands.我祖父给我们讲过有关遥远国度的故事。Boyce could tell you tales that made your blood curdle.博伊斯会给你讲让你毛骨悚然的故事。He told us thrilling tales about his adventures as a pilot in the war.他给我们讲述了他在战争中当飞行员的惊险故事。She made history come alive with tales from her own memories.通过讲述自己记忆中的故事,她把逝去的岁月变得生动起来。The mother often told her children fairy tales and stories from folklore.这位母亲经常给她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事。Children shouldn't tell tales.孩子不应该撒谎。She regaled us with tales of her wild youth.她讲述她青年时的荒唐事,逗我们开心。Daisy Venables, you naughty girl, have you been telling tales again?黛西·维纳布尔斯,你这个顽皮的姑娘,是不是又在搬弄是非了?It's bad manners to tell tales.揭人隐私是缺乏教养的。According to the children, telling tales on each other was as bad as cheating.在孩子们看来,相互之间造谣说的坏话和欺骗一样不好。An old salt told me tales about life in the navy.老水手给我讲了他在海军服役时的故事。Your classmates won't trust you if you're always telling tales, Alvin.阿尔文,如果你老是打小报告,你的同学会不信任你的。He published a compendium of folk tales.他出版了一本民间故事汇编。Teachers hate children who tell tales about their friends.老师讨厌那些老说朋友坏话的孩子。Haitian folklore told tales of dead people whose bodies were awakened by hoodoo.海地民间传说讲述死人被巫毒术唤醒的故事。I think they killed him because he knew too much. Dead men tell no tales.我认为他们把他杀了是因为他知道的太多了。只有死人才不会乱说话。He had a fund of hilarious tales on the subject.关于这个话题他有说不完的趣事。Not surprisingly, he enjoyed telling tales about his time at the military academy.他喜欢讲自己上军校时的故事,这毫不奇怪。The play takes three Scottish tales and interlinks them.剧本吸收了三个苏格兰民间故事并把它们相互衔接起来。You must have heard the tales about Nina.你一定已经听到有关尼娜的传闻了。He remained fascinated by the Aboriginals' tales.他一直对澳大利亚土著居民的传说极感兴趣。They sat around the campfire telling tall tales about their hunting adventures.他们围坐在篝火旁讲他们狩猎冒险的离奇故事。They were amused by the fantastic tales he spun.他们觉得他讲的怪诞故事很有趣。Newspaper columns were full of scandalous tales.报纸专栏充斥着丑闻故事。Are you telling tales again? Or is that the truth?你又在编故事吗?还是那是个真事?She had me quite goosey by her tales.她的故事使我听了毛骨悚然。An engineer bored me to tears with his tales of motorway maintenance.一个工程师不停地讲高速公路养护的故事,真把我烦得要命。Tony grew up on tales of London politics.托尼是听着伦敦政界的种种轶闻长大的。Grandpa told the children the tales of his childhood.爷爷给孩子们讲他童年的故事。Explorers were lured to the area by tales of a city of gold.探险者被黄金城的传说吸引到了那个地方。Literature is replete with tales of power.文学作品里全是有关权力的故事。In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince.童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。Their songs are filled with tales of love gone sour.他们的歌里充斥着变了味的爱情故事。Bailey regaled the customers with tales of our exploits.贝利把我们的事迹讲给顾客听,逗他们开心。




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