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词汇 peak
例句 Internet/network traffic can cause slower response times during peak hours.互联网/网络访问量在高峰期会造成反应速度减慢。At her peak she was writing a new novel every year.在鼎盛时期,她每年都写一部新小说。His cooking is the peak of perfection. 他的厨艺登峰造极。Since the last recession, a generation has reached the peak spending age without acquiring the caution that comes from burning your fingers once.自从上次经济衰退以来,一代人已到峰值消费年龄,却没有从冲动行事的教训中中学会谨慎。The higher the peak, the louder the sound.峰值越高,声音越大。Railroads handled more traffic than in the previous peak year.铁路运载量超过了创纪录的上一年。We usually have two people working in the shop, but at peak periods we employ extra staff.我们店里一般有两名工作人员,但在旺季我们会增聘人手。Cowles Mountain is the highest peak in the city of San Diego.考尔斯山是圣迭戈市的最高峰。He has attained peak fitness this season.这个赛季他的状态达到了顶峰。Long-distance runners are usually at their peak in their mid-30s.长跑运动员通常在三十五岁左右到达巅峰时期。It was a clearing just downhill from a peak of eight thousand feet.那是片林间空地,就在一座八千英尺高地山峰下面。The engine is tuned to peak efficiency.发动机调到最高功效了。The resort gets overcrowded in peak season.这个旅游景点一到旺季就人满为患。At the peak of his career, Rogers was earning more than seven million dollars a year.罗杰斯在事业顶峰的时候,一年能挣七百多万美元。Travelling at peak times is more expensive.在旺季时旅游费用更高。When he was at his peak, Nicklaus was one of the best golfers there has ever been.巅峰时期的尼克劳斯是有史以来最出色的高尔夫球手之一。Violence reached a peak just before the election.就在选举前夕,暴力冲突达到顶点。I travel off-peak whenever I can.只要可能我总是在淡季旅行。She is at the peak of her popularity.现在是她人气最旺的时候。The factory has been running at peak capacity for the past year.过去的一年,工厂已经达到了最大的生产能力。There are extra buses at peak times.高峰时间公交车有加车。The man touched the peak of his cap.那名男子摸了摸他的帽舌。When I first got to know Natalie, she was at her professional peak.我刚认识纳塔莉的时候,她正处于事业的巅峰。The crisis was now at its peak.危机正处在最严重的时刻。In the spring visitors come to see the blossoms at their peak.春天游人来观赏盛开的花。He is in peak physical condition.他的身体正处于最佳状态。The mountain peak was covered with snow.山顶被雪覆盖著。At his peak he was the best player in the world.他在巅峰时期时是世界上最好的选手。There is a lot of traffic along the Adriatic coast at the peak of the holiday season.在假日的高峰期,亚得里亚海沿岸的交通很拥挤。Extra beds can be brought into use at times of peak demand.在需求最旺的时期可以使用加床。The boom is expected to peak out soon.预计这种繁荣不久就会开始衰落。Mount McKinley is Alaska's highest peak.麦金利峰是阿拉斯加的最高峰。There should be more buses to cope with the extra passengers at peak times.公共汽车在繁忙时间应增加班次以接载额外的乘客。The mountain peak is wrapped in clouds.云雾笼罩着山顶。Many of the sites launched at the peak of the Internet boom have now disappeared.许多在网络繁荣顶峰时期成立的网站现在已经销声匿迹了。She was at the peak of her career when she injured herself.她受伤时正处于事业的顶峰。The first episode occupies a peak evening viewing slot.第一集占据了傍晚的一个黄金收视时段。The peak of the holiday season is approaching.假日的高峰期即将来临。You pay the peak rate for calls at this time of day.在一天的这个时间段打电话是高峰收费。I always get an off-peak train into town.我总是搭乘非高峰时间的火车进城。




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