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词汇 挖空
例句 Logs are split, hollowed, shaped, smoothed and ultimately transformed into the article.原木经劈开、挖空、成形、修光而最后制成木器。Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.我们的新住所是一处挖空的地洞。She made a play for the job, but she didn't get it.她为得到那份工作挖空了心思,可是失败了。They hollowed the log to make a canoe.他们挖空原木,做了一条独木舟。He gouged out a cob and loaded it with tabacco.挖空一段玉米棒子,然后把它装满烟叶。All that's left are some barren hillsides and a couple of exhausted mines.余下的只有一些光秃的山坡和几个挖空了的矿井。These boats are hollowed out of logs.这些小船是用原木挖空而制成的。They hollowed out a log.他们把一根原木挖空He hollowed out a bowl from the wood.挖空木头做了一个碗。




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