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例句 His decision to hold talks is extraordinary because it could mean the real end of the war.他作出举行谈判的决定非同寻常,因为这可能意味着战争真的要结束了。He has to stop drinking. I mean, he's going to kill himself if he keeps it up.他不能再酗酒了。我是说,如果他继续这样会害死自己的。She plays the violin, I mean the viola, really well.她的小提琴 — 我是说中提琴 — 拉得确实好。We're going to have to show that we really mean to apply the stick.我们得让他们知道,我们可不是吓着他们玩的。Did you mean what you said about my dress, or were you just being polite?你谈论我的连衣裙时说的话是真心的,还是仅仅是客套?Snow this early in the season could mean we'll have an abnormally cold winter.这么早下雪意味着今年冬天会异常寒冷。Does this mean our holiday plans will have to go by the board?这是不是意味着我们的假期计划将要告吹了?Just because people wagered on the Yankees did not mean that they liked them.人们将赌注下在扬基队上并不说明就喜欢他们。It was no mean/small/easy feat.这可是个了不起的成就。I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I still don't understand what happened.我并不是要白费唇舌,只是我还是不明白究竟发生了什么。I was just teasing, I didn't mean to upset you.我只是在开玩笑,不是有意要惹你难过的。They say they mean you no ill.他们说他们对你并无恶意。It was supposed to be garlic bread, but they'd been a bit mean with the garlic.应该是蒜香面包,但他们用蒜很吝啬。It would mean a lot to them to win.获胜对他们来说非常重要。Just because you're in your sixties doesn't mean you can't be physically fit.你年过六旬并不意味你不能保持身体健康。The broadcasters interpret this to mean their freedom to programme whatever they want to programme.广播员们把这理解为他们有随心所欲地安排节目的自由。I don't mean to make light of this very serious issue.我并非有意轻视这一重大问题。I was just playing around. I didn't really mean it.我只是开个玩笑。我不是认真的。Ted seems kind of lazy. I mean, he never offers to help and he just lies in front of the TV.特德好像有点懒。我的意思是,他从来都不会主动帮忙,只是躺在电视机前。Do you mean the alarm was switched off all night?你是说警报器整夜都关着?The board are planning a restructuring which could mean hundreds of redundancies.董事会正在计划进行重组,这可能会导致几百人被裁员。Don't be mean with the tip, he's so nice.不要舍不得给小费,他人这么好。I didn't mean this to happen at all.我并不想发生这样的事。I grew up there, you know what I mean, so I know what it's like.我在那里长大,你知道我的意思,所以我知道是怎么回事。Lower costs mean lower prices.成本降低,价格就会下降。The single lifestyle does not necessarily mean disengagement from family life.这种单身生活方式并不一定意味着对家庭生活漠不关心。Democracy was originally understood to mean the people governing themselves.民主最初被人理解为人民自己管理自己。She was no mean performer on a variety of other instruments.许多别的乐器她也演奏得相当出色。Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.分手并不意味着虐待会停止。Nobody's going to pay you much for that car. It's not the most comfortable car in the world,I mean to say.不会有人出高价买你那辆汽车的。我的意思是说,这车并非世上最舒适的汽车。I did not mean to insult you.我不是要故意侮辱你。It would mean the world to me if you came with me.如果你和我一起来,那对我来说将非常重要。I don't mean to keep criticizing his devotion to his job.我并不是要一再批评他对工作的专注。Just because he's rich, it doesn't mean he's better than us.尽管他很富有,但这并不意味着他就比我们强。The new arrangement would mean giving up some of their political independence.新的安排意味着让出他们的部分政治自主权。Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I didn't realize you were on the phone.抱歉,我不是故意打扰,我不知道你在打电话。He didn't mean what he was saying. He was just playing to the crowd.他言不由衷,只是在哗众取宠。This would mean that an extra burden would be put on our already enfeebled economy.这意味着将给我们已然衰退的经济增加额外的负担。That's a mean-spirited thing for a mother to say.作为一位母亲,说那样的话太刻薄了。This could mean diminished public support for the war.这可能意味着公众对战争的支持会有所下降。




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