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词汇 Judge
例句 Judge us on the improvements we make in the economy.请对我们在经济方面取得的进步作评价。Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.伊藤法官说,如果他的妻子被传作证,他将不再担任初审法官。Judge Mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress, and was therefore null and void.梅尔尚法官判定该协议是在胁迫下签署的,因而无效。Judge Hyam ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.海厄姆法官裁定该证据不予采信。The case was dealt with by Her Honour Judge Kirkham.这个案子是由柯克汉姆法官阁下处理的。The case is being heard by Judge Smith.这个案子正由史密斯法官审理。Judge Keenan concluded that the surveillance had been lawful.基南法官裁定这种监视属合法行为。Judge Mr Justice Schiemann jailed him for life.法官席曼先生判处他终身监禁。Judge Helman dismissed the jury after they failed to reach a verdict.赫尔曼法官因陪审团未能作出裁决而将其解散。Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head the team investigating the allegations of abuse.霍索恩法官被选中率领这个小组调查有关虐待的指控。Judge Thurgood Marshall never hesitated to rock the boat, from the beginning of his long legal career.瑟古德·马歇尔法官自司法生涯伊始,那许多年中一直不惮烦,不怕事。The Senate came down in favor of the appointment of Judge Thomas to the US Supreme Court.参议院最终决定支持托马斯法官在美国联邦最高法院的任命。Judge Butler gave the defendant a six-month jail sentence.巴特勒法官判被告监禁六个月。The only likeable character in the whole movie is Judge White.整部电影里只有怀特法官是个可爱的角色。Judge Wagenbach ruled that the statement was inadmissible as evidence, after Mr. Lamb's attourney argued that it was hearsay.兰姆先生的律师争辩说该项陈述属于道听途说,威根巴赫法官裁定它不能作为证据。Peres said the defense team would appeal the sentencing by Judge Bernardo Tirado.佩雷斯称辩护律师团将对贝尔纳多·蒂拉多法官作出的判决提出上诉。Judge Eyck refused his request for bail.艾克法官拒绝他提出的保释请求。Judge Evans will pass sentence on the three men tomorrow.埃文斯法官明天将对那三名男子作出宣判。Judge Gifford rejected the defense's request.吉福德法官驳回了被告的请求。You are not the Judge Harris, are you?您不正是鼎鼎大名的哈里斯法官吗?Judge Ito sequestered the jury for the entire trial.伊藤法官在整个审判期间一直使陪审团处于隔离状态。The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case.辩护律师希望区法官不受理那个案子。Judge Rudolph couldn't have done that in a pig's eye.鲁道夫法官绝不可能那样做。Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation.弗雷德里克·莱西法官负责该项调查。Judge Mathes sentenced her first to a year and later to an additional three months in jail for contempt.马西斯法官先判她一年监禁,后来又因她蔑视法庭再加判了三个月。Judge Richard Groves discharged the jury after it had failed to reach a verdict.理查德・格罗夫斯法官因为陪审团未能作出裁定而将其解散。Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官受命对资金的分配进行监督。Judge Johnson recessed the trial.强森法官宣布休庭。Judge Roberts nodded his consent and she began.经罗伯茨法官点头同意,她开始讲话。Judge Davis upheld the county court's decision.戴维斯法官维持了郡法院的判决。Judge Roberts' comments provoked a furious public response.罗伯茨法官的评论让公众狂怒不己。The headline read "Judge raps police".报道的标题是“法官斥责警方”。The court was presided over by Judge Owen.案件由欧文法官主持审理。The case came before Judge Hales.案件已交给黑尔斯法官审理。




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