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词汇 hut
例句 The hunter took up his quarters in a hut.猎人在一间小屋里栖身。A mob of natives came running into the hut.一群土人跑进茅屋来。The poor old man lived in a little wooden hut.那个可怜的老头住在一间小木屋里。A hut was all the home he ever had.一间茅舍是他仅有的栖身之处。He heard movement in the hut.他听到小屋中有动静。The hut suddenly seemed strangely silent.小屋突然似乎安静得出奇。We followed his tracks in the snow to a hut.我们沿著他在雪地上留下的足迹走到一间小屋旁。He built his little hut single-handed.他凭自己一人的力量搭起了小屋。The air smelled clean and fresh after the smoky little hut.从冒烟的小屋出来后,空气闻起来干净而清新。The police officer found a frightened child in the hut.警察在小屋里发现了一个惊恐的孩子。The hut afforded little protection from the elements.这间棚屋几乎不能遮风挡雨。The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats.这小屋是用其上面盖草席的柱子搭成的。The hut was filled with thick smoke.小屋里满是浓烟。The only heating was from a temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut.唯一的取暖设备就是在每间小茅屋中央的那个时好时坏的铁炉。The hut sheltered her from the cold wind.这棚屋为她遮挡了寒风。The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋由一台大吊车移走了。The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋被一辆大型起重机吊走了。The builders were collecting their wages from the site hut.建筑工们正在工棚里领工钱。The great man is said to have been born in a crude hut.据说那个伟人生于一个简陋的小屋里。They walked through the trees to a second hut, cunningly camouflaged against air surveillance.他们穿过树林来到第二个棚子;这个棚子经过巧妙伪装,空中侦察不到。The hut stood four-square in a corner of the garden.小屋稳稳地坐落在花园一角。We spent the night in a flimsy wooden hut.我们在一个不太坚固的小木屋里过了一夜。When the hut was on fire people came to beat the flames with spankers.棚屋着火了,人们前来用拍击工具扑打火苗。He built a crude hut as a shelter against the cold.他搭建了一个简陋的小屋,用来抵御严寒。The hut was dark and smelly.小屋又黑又臭。You haven't lived till you've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut!你还未学会在山间小屋中举行的下午茶舞会上用约德尔调歌唱的话,就不算真正地生活过。The hut tumbled down in the storm.小屋在暴风雨中倒塌。The hut suddenly seemed strangely silent.小屋突然之间似乎安静得诡异。I struggled back to the hut through blinding rain.大雨挡住了视线,我挣扎着回到了小屋。




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