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词汇 hand on
例句 I beat my hands on the wall with rage.我愤怒地用双手猛击墙壁。He laid his hand on my shoulder.他把一只手搭在我的肩上。Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动。She placed her hand on the doorknob and twisted slowly.她把手放在门把手上缓慢地转动了一下。I can put my hand on heart and say I am not exaggerating.我可以拍着胸脯说我没有夸大其词。She rested her hand on my shoulder.她把手搭在了我肩膀上。The captain mustered all hands on deck for a review.船长把所有船员召集到甲板上检阅。I'll kill him if I ever get my hands on him.如果我抓住他,就会杀了他。He put his hands on his hips and sighed.他双手叉腰,叹了口气。Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.特蕾西双手叉腰叹了口气。When Ted was a kid, he read every book about space that he could get his hands on.特德小时候,关于太空的书凡是能弄得到的他都看。Would you please hand on the letter to Mary for me?你能帮我把这封信转交给玛丽吗?She became conscious of the pressure of his hand on her shoulder.她开始意识到他的手在她双肩上的压力。Wade placed his chilled hands on the radiator and warmed them.韦德把冰凉的双手放在暖气片上取暖。He laid a hand on my shoulder.他把一只手放在我肩上。He dropped his hands on to his knees.他将双手垂放在腿上。She felt the stroke of his hand on her hair.她感觉得到他的手在自己的头发上轻轻抚摸。His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor.他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者。I'm afraid I can't put my hand on your letter just at the moment.恐怕我一时找不到你的信。Ruth put her cool hand on my burning forehead.露丝把凉凉的手放到我滚烫的额头上。He beat a frantic tattoo with his hands on the door.他用手疯狂地连续敲门。He piped all hands on deck.他吹哨子召集全体海员到甲板上。You're all just waiting till I pop off so you can get your hands on my money.你们都在等我死,好来分我的钱。They came out of the woods with their hands on top of their heads.他们将双手放在头上从树林中走了出来。He set his hand on my shoulder.他把手搁在我肩上。Mary made to rise but I put a restraining hand on her shoulder.玛丽要站起来,但我用手按在她肩上,制止了她。Wiping his oily hands on a piece of cloth, he reached into his pocket and handed me the bill.他用布擦了擦油腻的手,然后把手伸进口袋,递给我账单。She laid a comforting hand on my arm.她带着一丝抚慰将手搭在我的胳膊上。We will hand on the torch which he has handed to us.我们要把他传授给我们的知识传给后代。I cut my hand on some broken glass.我被碎玻璃割破了手。Keeping her hand on his collar, she gave him two good souses in the water.她抓住他的领子,将他着实按入水中两次。She dried her hands on the kitchen towel.她用厨房手巾上擦干了手。He wiped his floury hands on his pants.他在裤子上擦了擦沾了面粉的手。When I put my hand on his, he stirs but doesn't quite rouse.当我把手放到他手上时,他动了动,但并没有完全醒来。She put her hands on the top of the fence and vaulted over it easily.她双手放在篱笆上,一下子就翻了过去。She cut her hand on a broken glass.她的手被一只破玻璃杯割破了。One day Frank gashed his hand on a bit of broken glass.一天,弗兰克的手被一块碎玻璃片划了一道大口子。She stood at the door with one hand on the knob.她站在门口,一只手按在门的把手上。Two guards stood poised with their hands on their guns.两名守卫手持枪支,严阵以待。She stood with her hands on her hips.她双手叉腰站立。




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