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词汇 to live up to
例句 The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations.银行已经破产,将无力履行其义务。He found it hard to live up to their expectations. 他发现难以达到他们的期望。Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the expectations of the Company.斯蒂芬·蔡斯决心不辜负公司的期望。He has high ideals, but often fails to live up to them.他有崇高的理想,但常常难以遵循。The movie failed to live up to all the hype.这部电影被吹上了天,其实盛名难副。He's been under a lot of pressure to live up to his reputation as the world's best player.他为了不辜负作为世界最佳选手的声誉,承受到不少压力。He had determined to live up to the company's expectations.他决心不辜负公司的期望。I failed to live up to my parents’ expectations, particularly at school.我辜负了父母的期望,尤其是在学业上。He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.他很明显没有履行自己的诺言。It was impossible to live up to my parents’ expectations of me.父母对我的期望是不可能达到了。I tried to live up to my ideal of myself.我努力活出理想的自我。The group has failed to live up to its macho image.这个组合的表现未体现出他们的男子汉形象。The players failed to live up to their coach's expectations of them.选手们辜负了教练对他们的期望。His career failed to live up to its early promise.他的事业没有像早期表现的那样成功。The Festival aims to live up to its reputation as a trail-blazing event.该艺术节志在不虚负其先锋性活动的声名。He has found it difficult to live up to his name/reputation. 他发现很难不负众望。




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