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词汇 toll
例句 The relentless grind of hard labour and ill-health had taken its toll on Booth.没完没了的苦活重活加上身体不好已对布思造成极大损害。The death toll from yesterday's crash is still rising.昨天车祸的死亡人数仍在增加。The company has a toll-free number that offers technical assistance to anyone who needs it.这家公司有一个可以免费拨打的电话号码,为需要的人提供技术支援。The stress has taken a heavy toll on his health.压力严重损害了他的健康。Her illness has taken a toll on her marriage.她的疾病已严重影响了她的婚姻。Call our customer-service staff toll-free.免费拨打我们的客服电话。But such high wages have also taken their toll on the Swedish economy.但是,这样的高工资也给瑞典的经济带来了危害。Fatigue had begun to take its toll on the team.疲劳已开始给团队造成危害。This has taken a great toll on me personally and professionally.这使我在私人生活和工作上都受到重创。After weeks of uncertainty, the strain was beginning to take its toll.几个星期的忐忑不安之后,压力开始让人受不了了。The toll of the bells sounded throughout the village.缓缓的钟声响彻整个村子。Illness has taken a heavy toll on her.疾病对她的身体造成了极大的损害。The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.公路收费计划由于不切实际而搁浅。The death toll may eventually surpass two thousand.死亡人数最终可能会超过两千。A war could take a terrible toll on the economy.战争会对经济造成极严重的损失。Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。The full/final toll of the disaster is not yet known.尚未得知此次灾难的伤亡总人数/最终伤亡人数。The war has exacted a terrible toll.这场战争造成重大灾难。Politics has exacted a heavy toll on my family.政治已经让我的家庭付出了惨重的代价。The pressure of fame can take a terrible toll.名声的压力能造成可怕的伤害。Call our toll-free number.拨打我们的免费电话。Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll.过这座桥的人都要付通行费。The death toll from the hurricane was climbing minute by minute/by the minute.随着每分钟的过去,飓风造成的死亡人数一直在增加。The recession has taken a heavy toll .经济不景气造成了很大的损失。The storm took its toll. 暴风雨造成了严重破坏。Many people thought that the Internet would sound/ring/toll the death knell for newspapers. 许多人认为互联网敲响了报纸的丧钟。His hard work has taken its toll on his stomach.艰苦的工作对他的胃造成了危害。For whom did the bell toll?丧钟为谁而敲? The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply.每日伤亡人数已经大大减少。To request more information, please call our toll free number.欲知详情,请拨打我们的免费电话。Charges for the toll bridge are set to rise.收费桥的收费很可能要涨。The strike took a heavy toll in lost productivity.这次罢工使生产力受到严重的损失。Bad working conditions eventually take a toll on staff morale.恶劣的工作环境最终使员工士气大挫。If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its toll. 如果你继续这么辛苦地工作,最终会被压垮的。We had to stop to pay the toll.我们不得不停下来交通行费。Years of civil war and drought have taken their toll, and the population of the region is greatly reduced.多年的内战和干旱造成了重大的损失,这个地区人口大减。The stress will take its toll on you.压力会把你压垮的。This toll booth is for drivers with exact change only.司机使用这个收费亭需要备好够数的零钱。All this stress takes its toll.这样的压力会对人非常不利。You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike.在收费公路上开车要缴通行税。




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