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词汇 to limit
例句 The new air pollution controls are designed to limit harmful emissions from industry and motor vehicles.新的空气污染控制措施是为了限制工业和机动车辆的有害气体排放而设计的。It's best to limit the total amount you use.你最好限制一下你的总用量。Catchments are relatively small and most parents want to limit the time that their children spend travelling to school.学区内的学生数量较少,大多数家长希望能缩短孩子上学路上所花的时间。He announced tough measures to limit the money supply.他公布了限制货币供应的严厉措施。As a scientist I refuse to limit myself to these barriers.作为一名科学家,我不会让自己受这些障碍制约。Try as far as possible to limit your answers to a single sentence.尽可能地将答案控制在一句话之内。The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.这项协议保留了我们限制濒危物种贸易的权利。The residents' main demand is to limit the amount of heavy traffic using the street.这些居民的主要要求是限制这条街道上运货车辆的通行数量。Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.可生物降解包装有助于减少排放到大气层中的有害化学物质的数量。Their talks were aimed at smoothing the path towards a treaty to limit long-range weapons.他们的会谈旨在为缔结限制远程武器条约铺平道路。His political enemies have tried to limit his power.他的政敌们试图限制他的权力。Road bumps have been laid down to limit the speed of cars.路上设置了减速带以限制车速。Because of our lack of money, we have to limit ourselves to fewer options.由于资金缺乏,我们只好缩小选择范围。The summit ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution.峰会结束时各方共同承诺要限制污染。They are working to limit oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.他们正在努力限制在北极国家野生动物保护区内的石油开采。The company is trying to limit its liability in this case.这家公司正设法把自己在此案中的责任限制在一定范围内。Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems.试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。We need to find ways to limit expenses.我们需要设法限制开销。The government is trying to limit population growth.政府正在努力控制人口增长。The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.委员会投票决定限制参与杠杆收购的企业的退税额度。The pill was once expected to limit the number of unwanted pregnancies, but instead the number has soared.人们曾期望这药能限制意外受孕的数字,但实际上数字反而大大增加了。Union leaders have mounted an offensive against the company's proposal to limit health benefits.针对公司限制健康福利的提案,工会领导们已经发起了反抗攻势。The most important political imperative is to limit the number of U.S. casualties.政治上的头等大事是控制美方的伤亡人数。Laws were established to limit the dispersion of pollutants.已经立法限制污染物的扩散。Congressmen are loath to limit the amount of time they can be in office.国会议员不愿意规定任职期限。The most important political imperative is to limit the number of US casualties.现在的头等政治大事就是要控制美国人的伤亡人数。Efforts were made to limit the sale of alcohol.过去曾采取措施限制酒的销售。They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification.他们通过实施低技术规格拼命限制成本。The government stepped in to limit car imports from other countries.政府出面干预,限制从其他国家进口汽车。He tried to limit the damage to his reputation by blaming other people.他试图通过指责他人使自己名誉少受损害。Talks to limit strategic arms were marking time.限止战略武器的谈判没有什么进展。We try our best to limit our expenditure to the original sum,but we may run over by a few pounds.我们尽量把开销限制在原定的数目之内,但可能会超出几镑。The government plans to limit military expenditure.政府计划限定军费开支。The government's efforts to limit drug trafficking have mostly failed.该政府要限制毒品买卖的努力大部分都失败了。The third layer in competition balls is covered with a sheet of rubber to limit punctures.比赛用球的第三层用一张橡胶包裹住,以防被刺破。His doctor had advised him to limit his drinking.医生建议他限量饮酒。The regulations are designed to limit environmental damage.制定这些条例的目的是限制对环境的破坏。Rigid job descriptions can serve to limit productivity.严格的工作职责划分会限制生产率。The government has put forward an emergency bill to limit the powers of the police.政府已提出紧急议案来限制警方的权力。They want to limit the amount of cash available.他们想限制可用现金的数额。




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