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词汇 to live
例句 She tried to live vicariously through her children.她试图和自己的孩子同喜同悲。He likes to live on the edge.他喜欢冒险的生活。She needs to find somewhere to live before starting her new job.新工作开始前她需要找个住处。They wouldn't like to live without modern conveniences such as microwaves.他们不愿过没有微波炉等现代化便利设施的生活。He made a lot of money in real estate and was able to live very well after his retirement.他在房地产上赚了一大笔钱,退休后能过富足的生活。They seemed to live a very leisured life.他们的生活好像非常悠闲。It's a bad situation, but we'll just have to learn to live with it. 情况很糟,但我们就得学会接受现实。We are fortunate to live in a time of great abundance. 我们幸运地生活在一个富足的时代。I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.别的地方我哪儿都不想住。Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。Most elderly people prefer to live independently if they can.大多数老年人只要能够,都喜欢独立生活。Grandmother was getting too frail to live on her own, so we had to put her in an old people's home.祖母身体太弱,不能独自生活,所以我们不得不把她安置在养老院里。They hoped to live in perpetual happiness.他们希望生活在永久幸福之中。She left the comforts of home to live the life of an ascetic.她放弃了家中的舒适去过一种苦行者的生活。Clarisa didn't care for New York, she wanted to live in the country.克拉丽莎不喜欢纽约,她想住在乡村。The university guarantees accommodation in halls of residence for every first year who wants to live in.大学为想住校的一年级学生保证提供学生宿舍。This spirit will continue to live in the future out of sheer necessity.这种精神今后必然会继续存在下去。The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations.银行已经破产,将无力履行其义务。Frequent flooding eventually obliterated all traces of the community that used to live there.频繁的洪水最终把人类在那儿居住过的痕迹破坏得一干二净。She lost her sight and is now learning to live with her/the affliction.她失明了,现在正学着忍受这种苦楚The community is struggling to fight against drug dealers and prostitution, in their effort to make the area a safer place to live.该社区正在对抗贩毒分子和卖淫以努力使该地区成为更安全的居住区。My sister abandoned her husband and three children and went to live in Holland.我姐姐抛下丈夫和三个孩子移居荷兰了。They chatted about the relative merits of London and Paris as places to live.他们聊起了伦敦和巴黎两座城市相比较都有哪些宜居的优点。Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land or giving birth to live young.爬行动物的繁殖方式是在陆地上产卵,或是直接产下成活的幼体。I try to live by the Golden Rule.我努力奉行己所不欲,勿施于人的金科玉律。For the most part we were happy to live alongside each other.总的来说,我们挨着住在一起很开心。He had to live on bread and water for two weeks.他有两个星期只能靠面包和白开水过活。His positive ways made him hard to live with.他武断的作风使人难以同他共同生活。School helps children to master the skills necessary to live in our society.学校帮孩子们掌握社会生存所必需的技能。If share prices were to crash, a private pension might not be enough to live on.假如股价暴跌,个人养老保险金可能不够维持生活。We are fortunate to live in times where such interdicts and proscriptions do not govern our lives.幸运的是,我们生活在这些禁令不主宰生活的年代。It's hard not having him around but I've learned to live with it.他不在身边我很难过,但我已经学会了接受这个现实。Meanwhile their energies were absorbed by the task of finding a place to live.与此同时,他们的精力消耗在寻找住处的任务中。I'd love to live by the sea.我很想住在海边。In the preceding section of the poem, Whitman is talking about how important it is to live in the present.在这首诗的前一段中,惠特曼讲到了活在当下的重要性。They seem to live on nothing but chips and chocolate.他们好像除了炸薯条和巧克力以外什么都不吃。His career failed to live up to its early promise.他的事业没有像早期表现的那样成功。Alvin had had a brief taste of freedom and didn't want to live with his parents again.阿尔文曾短暂地尝到了自由的滋味,他再也不想和父母同住了。He tried to live on as a writer, but in the end he had to sell his soul and work for an advertising company.他想以写作为生,但结果不得不有违初衷为一家广告公司干活。You have to live in the city and understand its peculiarities.你得在这座城市里住下来,了解它的独特之处,才能真正欣赏它的魅力。




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