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Slow down! I can't keep up with you.慢点!我跟不上你了。My salary doesn't keep up with inflation.我的工资跟不上通货膨胀。 Slow down! I can't keep pace with you.慢点! 我跟不上你了。I lost the thread of the plot long before the story ended.早在故事结束之前我就跟不上情节发展的线索了。The average worker's earnings have not kept up with inflation.工人的平均收入跟不上通货膨胀。They crank out cars faster than they can sell them.他们制造汽车很快,而销售跟不上。Price increases failed to keep pace with rising costs.价格的提高跟不上成本的增长。Now that we have computers, typewriters just don't cut the mustard anymore.由于有了电脑,打字机就跟不上时代了。Teenagers always think their parents are real square.青少年总认为他们的父母真是跟不上时代的老古板。If we let the fastest runner set the pace the others will be left behind.如果我们让跑得最快的人定速度,其他人就会跟不上。As the pace quickened, Pepe began to drop behind.随着速度的加快,佩佩开始跟不上了。Our production can't keep pace with the orders coming in.我们的生产跟不上订单涌入的速度。Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.工资现在跟不上通货膨胀的速度。After her time in hospital, Jenny's parents are afraid she has fallen behind educationally.珍妮住了一段时间医院,父母担心她学习跟不上。She was out of her depth in the advanced class, so they moved her to the intermediate class.她在高级班学习跟不上,所以他们就把她转到中级班去。What he was saying was so complicated that I lost track after the first couple of sentences.他说得太复杂,我听了开头的几个句子以后就跟不上了。The thinking of economic bureaucrats tends to lag behind changes in world conditions.经济官员的思想往往跟不上世界局势的变化。I got left behind at school with the maths.在校时我的数学跟不上。The younger boys were not able to keep up in the race.年龄较小的男孩在比赛中跟不上。If you can't stand the pace, chill out.如果你跟不上别人的步伐,就慢慢来。He dictated too fast for the secretary to type.他口授速度太快,以致秘书打字跟不上。They are not in step with the times.他们跟不上时代的步伐。That club is very unfashionable these days.近来那家俱乐部已经远远跟不上潮流了。Wait for me. I can't keep up.等等我,我跟不上了。They were walking so fast that the small boy could hardly keep pace with them.他们走得太快,那小男孩几乎跟不上。The country has made enormous strides politically but not economically.该国在政治上取得了巨大的发展,但经济却跟不上去。It is hard to keep up with the shifting allegiances between the various political parties.各个政党不断变换拥戴对象,令人跟都跟不上。Food production has already fallen behind the population growth.粮食生产已经跟不上人口增长。The possible consequences so filled his mind that he lost the thread of Wan Da's narrative.他脑子里充满了各种可能的结局,结果跟不上万达的叙述。Salaries have not always kept pace with inflation.工资上涨往往跟不上通货膨胀的速度。Hard disk performance has failed to keep up with the massive increases in processor speeds.硬盘的性能已经跟不上处理器速度的大幅提高。She had trouble keeping in step with the others.她跟不上其他人的舞步。I can't keep up with the rest of the class.我跟不上班里其他同学。The boss is on the warpath today because the project is behind schedule.因为项目进度跟不上,老板今天很生气。She never found her rhythm against the younger player.她一直觉得自己的动作节奏跟不上更年轻的选手。Many institutions offering child-care are understaffed and underequipped.许多幼托机构人手不够,设备也跟不上。They can't stand the pace in the city.他们跟不上城市生活的节奏。He was out of step with the music.他跟不上音乐的节奏。 |