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词汇 致辞
例句 The meeting was preceded by a brief welcoming speech.会议开始前有一个简短的欢迎致辞The chairman preceded the meeting with a brief welcoming speech.主席在会议开始前发表了一个简短的欢迎致辞I had so much champagne that I totally blanked on the address.我喝了太多香槟酒,结果在致辞时脑子一片空白。Producing notes from his pocket, he proceeded to address the gathering.他从口袋里掏出笔记,开始对人群致辞The priest addressed the congregation.神父向会众致辞There's nothing worse than watching a bunch of luvvies giving speeches at some awful awards ceremony.最没意思的莫过于看一帮虚情假意的演员在什么无聊的颁奖仪式上致辞The Prime Minister spoke to an astonished Commons.首相向惊愕不已的下议院致辞After Senator Smith was finished addressing the assembly, Senator White took the floor.参议员史密斯结束大会致辞后,参议员怀特开始发言。She was asked to give/deliver a formal address at the ceremony.她受邀在典礼上致辞The college invited her to speak at the graduation ceremony.这所学院邀请她在毕业典礼上致辞Before the awards were given, the mayor addressed the crowd.颁奖开始之前市长向公众致辞The Chairperson opened the proceedings with a short speech.主席简短致辞之后会议就开始了。I am going to hand you back to our President for a few closing remarks.我讲完了,下面换回我们的总统讲几句结束致辞Marcos is expected to address the closing session of the conference later Monday.马科斯要在星期一晚些时候的大会闭幕式上致辞He always spoke as if he were addressing a public meeting.他说起话来总像是在公共大会上致辞




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