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词汇 the grave
例句 The old man is look beyond the grave.老人在考虑身后事。They were silent as the grave.他们静默著,一言不发。They filed past the grave of the national hero.他们排成纵队走过那位民族英雄的坟墓。She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.她掰开玫瑰花,将花瓣撒在坟墓上。The gravedigger filled the grave.掘墓人把墓穴填上。They erected a marker over the grave.他们在坟上立了一个标记物。At the head of the grave there was a small wooden cross.坟头上有一个小小的木头十字架。He led a life of hardship from the cradle to the grave.他一辈子都过着艰难的生活。She took her secrets with her to the grave. 她把她的秘密带进了坟墓。The old lady still influences the family from beyond the grave.这个老太太死后仍影响着全家。That old man already has one foot in the grave.那老人已是一只脚踏入棺材里,活不长了。A solemn crowd gathered around the grave.人们怀着沉重的心情聚集在墓地周围。He believes that there is life beyond the grave. 他相信会有来世。Anthropologists are still trying to decipher the runes found in the grave.人类学家们仍然在尽力破译在这个坟墓里发现的神秘记号。Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.大多数男人宁死也不愿承认有依赖感。He mounded the grave.他填土加固了这座坟。There might be something beyond the grave, you know, and not nothingness.人死后说不定还是有点什么的,你知道,并非万事皆空。The casket was lowered into the grave.棺材被下放到墓穴中。They lowered the coffin into the grave.他们把棺材放入了墓穴。The coffin was lowered into the grave.棺材被降进了墓穴。He was sobbing and wringing his hands by the grave.他在坟墓旁呜咽着,双手绞扭在一起。In this country the government looks after you from the cradle to the grave.在这个国家中每个人从生到死都得到政府的关心。Juliet stepped forward and lovingly placed a bouquet upon the casket and it was closed in the grave.朱丽叶走上前去,爱抚地将花束放到棺材上,花也埋在了坟墓里。They walked up and placed their bouquet of flowers on the grave.他们走上前,将花束放在坟头上。His debate with them lasted until the grave, and beyond.他同他们的争论到死还没结束。She couldn't tear herself away from the grave.她不愿意离开墓地。She stodged round the grave after the service was over.祭礼结束后,她脚步沉重地绕墓一圈。The bond of brotherhood was one to last from the cradle to the grave.兄弟之情会延续一辈子。The older people I know don't consider themselves to have one foot in the grave. They are full of optimism and live life to the full.我认识的老年人并不觉得自己行将就木。他们非常乐观,充分享受生活。One can only hope that his unquiet spirit found some peace in the grave.人们只能祈求他那焦虑不安的灵魂能在坟墓里得到安宁。Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave.耶稣使拉撒路复活。Even the grave old gentleman could not suppress a laugh.连那位严肃的老绅士都禁不住笑了。They left flowers on the grave as a mark of respect.他们在墓地上放了一些鲜花以表尊重。While we might have one foot in the grave, we're not quite dead and buried yet.尽管我们可能已经到了风烛残年,可我们还没有死,也没有入土。He was shovelling earth into the grave.他正用铁锹把土填进墓穴里。The girls, before their marriage-day, cut off a curl, and twining it round a distaff, lay it upon the grave of the strangers.姑娘们在她们的婚礼日之前,剪下一绺头发,缠在纺纱杆上,放到陌生人的坟头。They disinterred a corpse from the grave.他们从墓中掘出一具尸体。The coffin was lowered into the grave.棺材放进了墓穴。Grimes gave him a nod from his station by the grave.格兰姆斯站在墓旁,朝他点了一下头。He took that secret to the grave.他把那个秘密带进了坟墓。




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