例句 |
I'm just a glorified secretary.我只不过是个美其名曰的秘书。Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。They dignified cowardice by calling it prudence.他们把怯懦美其名曰为谨慎。His title is Assistant to the Director, but he's really just a glorified errand boy.他美其名曰是主任助理,但实际上只是一个小当差的。Many bosses view secretaries as no more than glorified typists.许多老板认为秘书只不过是个打字员,只是美其名曰秘书而已。 |