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词汇 Conservatives
例句 She viewed the Conservatives with barely disguised contempt.她鄙视保守派,对此几乎毫不掩饰。Conservatives are believers in a strong executive.保守派相信需要一个强大的行政机构。If the Conservatives got in they might decide to change it.如果保守党赢得选举,他们可能会决定改变这一现状。The poll provided a morale boost for the Conservatives.这项民意测验鼓舞了保守党的士气。The election is now a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.现在,大选成了工党和保守党之间的直接交锋。The voters rallied to the Conservatives.选民们团聚在保守派一边。The Conservatives are not yet a credible threat to Labour.保守党对工党还不构成确实有效的威胁。Serious in-fighting ruined the Conservatives’ chances of winning the election.严重的内部斗争破坏了保守党当选的机会。The Conservatives got in at the last election.保守党党员在最后一轮选举中当选。Conservatives were arguing among themselves about minor policy issues.保守党内部在争论一些无关紧要的政策问题。She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else.她在分裂保守党这件事上所起的作用比任何人都大。Labour easily beat the Conservatives in the last election.工党在上一届选举中轻松击败了保守党。The Conservatives are trying to re-establish themselves in Scotland.保守党正在重新树立自己在苏格兰的地位。Many county councils are now controlled by the Conservatives.保守党现在控制着许多郡的政务委员会。The Conservatives attacked the move as a cynical attempt to denigrate the media.保守党人指责这一举动是对媒体的恣意诋毁。He left the Conservatives and stood as an independent.他离开了保守党,以独立候选人身份参选。As you might imagine, the Conservatives are delighted at Blair's embarrassment.不出所料,保守党对布莱尔的窘境感到幸灾乐祸。The Conservatives denounced it as socialistic.保守党谴责说那有社会主义倾向。Mrs Thatcher was a heroine for many Conservatives.撒切尔夫人为许多保守党人士所崇拜。Once again, a defeat for the Conservatives looked like a foregone conclusion.保守党被击败似乎再一次成为必然的结局。I saw her father with his rosette on, canvassing for the Conservatives.我看见她父亲戴着玫瑰花结,正在为保守党游说拉票。The Conservatives had a huge overall majority in the House of Commons.保守党在下议院获得了压倒性多数票。Off the record, many Conservatives admit they cannot win the election.许多保守党人私下都承认他们不可能赢得大选。The Conservatives say they are looking forward to the election, and are confident that they will soon be back in the driving seat.保守党称他们盼着大选,有信心很快就会重新掌权。Labour has the Conservatives on the run.工党使保守党处于劣势。The Conservatives saw this as stopping the waste of ratepayers' money.保守党人认为这是在遏制浪费纳税人的钱。The Conservatives took a beating in the elections.保守党在选举中被击败了。They were confident they could get the Conservatives out.他们很自信能够让保守党下台。Both Conservatives and Labour competed for the middle-class vote.保守党和工党都要争取中产阶级的选票。The Conservatives have promised to increase spending on health and education if they get in.保守党承诺当选后增加卫生和教育的开支。Disloyal Conservatives were welcomed into the Liberal Party.不忠诚的保守党人加入自由党受到了欢迎。Labour took Edgbaston from the Conservatives.工党从保守党手中把埃奇巴斯顿赢了过来。The poll indicates a drop in support for the Conservatives.民意测验表明保守党支持率有所下降。He'll only get the votes of diehard Conservatives.他只会获得顽固保守党人投的票。They were reillusioned with the Conservatives.他们对保守党重抱幻想。The Conservatives have suffered a humiliating defeat.保守党人遭受到了一次颜面尽失的失败。Conservatives might predominate in the government.保守派人士有可能在政府中占优势。Conservatives have long regarded state intervention in the family as anathema.保守派很久以来就认为国家对家庭的干预令人厌恶。Polls show that the Conservatives have gained support in the south.民意调查显示保守党在南部获得了支持。In a speech to the Conservatives he tried to pour oil on troubled waters.在对保守党人所作的一次讲演中,他试图调停争端。




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