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例句 She tilted her head to one side, pretending to consider the question.她把头偏向一侧,装作在考虑这个问题。In reviewing applicants, we consider both objective criteria, such as test scores, and subjective criteria, such as leadership ability.在考察申请者方面,我们既考虑客观标准,如测试得分,也考虑主观标准,如领导能力。If you're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress, consider hiring one.如果你决意要身着设计师之作惊艳出位,那就考虑雇请一位时装设计师吧。They consider themselves superior.他们认为自己高人一等。I need to consider the advantages v the disadvantages.我需要权衡一下利弊。It is best to consider all this before entering upon such an undertaking.最好在开始这项工作前好好权衡这一切。If you are unsure of your HIV status, consider having a test.如果你不能确定自己是否感染了艾滋病病毒,就要考虑去做检查了。Please consider what I've said.请认真考虑我的话。It is also expected to consider a resolution which would allow food to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.预计还将考虑通过一项决议,将减少限制使食品迅速通过。We should consider each idea on its merits. 对于每个观点的优劣我们都应加以考虑。Flowers and chocolates are always sure things , but consider giving your wife something different this year.送鲜花和巧克力一准儿会给人以好感,但今年考虑给你妻子送个不一样的礼物吧。A car is quite a big expense, especially when you consider maintenance.汽车是一笔很大的开销,尤其是考虑到保养的时候。Do you consider these textbooks essential for the course?你认为这个课程必须采用这些教科书吗?Not for one moment does he consider himself one of them.他从不认为自己是他们中的一员。He stepped back to consider the whole painting.他向后退步,仔细端详整幅画作。Until we can talk about this in a civil manner, I consider the discussion closed.除非我们好好地谈这件事,否则我就觉得没什么好讨论的了。I need to consider my family before I make my decision.我必须先考虑家庭之后再作决定。You might want to consider cycling.你或许可以考虑骑自行车。He refused to consider his wife's threat to leave him.他的妻子扬言要离开他,但他拒不顾及这威胁。I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.我认为自己是地球上最幸运的人。They consider it inevitable that some jobs will be lost.他们认为有些人将失业,这是不可避免的。You do have to consider the feelings of those around you.你的确需要考虑周围人的感受。Jack's career is hanging in the balance while they consider what to do.他们在考虑做什么时,杰克的前程悬而未决。Many Europeans who consider themselves to be poor are rich by the standards of some Third World countries.许多认为自己贫穷的欧洲人用部分第三世界国家的标准来衡量都是富人。They consider globalization to be the root of all evil.他们认为全球化是万恶之源。Here are a few more ideas to consider.这儿还有几个想法可供考虑。Take time to consider before you rush into anything.宁愿从容考虑,不要仓促行事。When you consider how long she worked there, it's surprising that she would leave so suddenly.当你考虑到她在那里工作了多长时间时,她会如此突然地离开让人感到吃惊。If you consider him a miracle man, you're overrating him.如果你认为他能创造奇迹,那你就高估他了。We need to consider these events in context.我们需要结合相关背景来考虑这些事件。It is important to consider his age and culture.重要的是要考虑他的年龄和修养。Fostering is a full-time job and you should carefully consider how it will fit into your career.抚养孩子是全天候的事,应该仔细考虑如何将它与事业协调起来。I consider myself highly privileged to have this opportunity.能有这样的机会,我认为自己非常幸运。We do not consider this film suitable for young children.我们认为这部电影不适合小孩子观看。It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies.戴维斯先生的这番话值得大家停下来思考一下。It sounds like a good idea, but you should consider the practicalities before you put it into action.这听起来是个好主意,但在实施之前你应该考虑一下实际情况。They consider it almost a crime to expose children to violence and sex on TV.他们认为让儿童接触暴力和色情电视节目几乎是一种犯罪行为。Many will consider this a simple case of family ties.很多人会把这看成一个简单的亲属关系案例。Many consider the humour of Rabelais too broad.许多人认为拉伯雷的幽默过于粗俗下流。The judge has the power to give appropriate directions to the jury before they consider their verdict.法官有权在陪审团考虑裁决之前给予适当的指导。




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