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例句 This brought considerable relief from the pain.这相当大地缓解了疼痛。Each of the managers enjoys considerable autonomy.每个主教练都享有相当大的自主权。The practical consequences of his decision were considerable.他的决定有相当大的实际影响。The local people still had considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their town.当地人仍然对外来工人大量涌入他们的城镇疑虑重重。There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.能跻身于顾问委员会是个莫大的荣誉。The film describes, with considerable sympathy, the problems faced by economic migrants.这部影片描述了廉价劳动力移民所面临的种种问题,表达了对他们的深切同情。He has stacked up considerable profits in the last few months.最近几个月他发了不少财。The support was considerable and very gratifying.支持很多,让人感到很高兴。The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim.这部电影赢得评论界和公众的广泛好评。There is considerable impatience with the slow pace of political change.政治变革的缓慢步伐已令很多人失去耐心。Teachers are given considerable individual autonomy.给予教师相当大的个人自主权。There is considerable variability in all the test scores.所有测试成绩都有很大的不确定性。He puts considerable store in/by her opinions. 他非常重视她的意见。I have spent a fairly considerable portion of my life here.我在这里度过了生命中相当长的一段时光。After a considerable delay, the government has agreed to accept the recommendations.在拖延相当长的时间以后,政府同意接受建议。They were people of good education and considerable/great learning.他们受过良好教育,学识相当/非常渊博。Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause.立陶宛的事业仍然拥有相当的国际支持。He had suffered through considerable/great hardship.他经历了很多苦难。Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.尽管面临众多的艰难困苦,他们还是几乎义无反顾地表现出了对生活的热爱。The riots presented a considerable risk to life and property.骚乱给生命和财产带来相当大的威胁。His occupation necessitated considerable scepticism, but even so a man could become too mistrustful.他的职业需要他凡事多抱怀疑态度,即便是这样,他也有点过于多疑了。The new system represents a considerable advance over the old one.与旧体系相比,新体系有相当大的改进。She is a woman of considerable beauty.她是个相当美丽的女人。There is considerable question about the actual value of the property.我们对于这处房产的实际价值还有很大的疑问。As a pathologist of considerable standing, his opinion will have a lot of influence.作为具有相当声望的病理学家,他的意见举足轻重。The design requires considerable modification.这个设计需要进行大的修改。The project caused considerable disturbance to local residents.这个工程项目给当地居民造成相当大的干扰。Her interest with him is considerable.她对他的影响相当大。The recent slowdown in the US economy is likely to have a considerable impact on the rest of the world.近来美国经济发展减慢有可能对其他国家产生重大的影响。The fire caused considerable damage to the church.那场火灾给教堂造成了重大损失。Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort.找到一种治疗方法需要大量的时间和精力。Foreign investors have shown considerable interest in the venture.外国投资者对该项目表示出相当大的兴趣。Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area.每个区域经理在他们各自负责的地区的运营上都享有高度的自主权。She had considerable influence in the corridors of power.她在权力走廊相当有影响力。The argument seemed to have considerable merit.这个论点似乎有巨大价值。The health risk from drinking unclean water is considerable.喝不洁净的水对健康的威胁相当大。Such delays can cause considerable irritation.这样一次次的拖延会令人相当恼火。The spoilage of corn was considerable.被糟蹋的谷物数量很大。She is someone of considerable personal resources.她才华横溢。There is still considerable contestation over various mining projects.关于各个矿业专案仍然存在着很多争议。




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