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It was very considerate of you to offer to help.你能主动提供帮助,真是体贴。The plan was given a considerate examination.对这个计划作了一番周密的调查。We need considerate individuals who can communicate and work in a team.我们需要考虑周到、能在团队里交流协作的人。He was always kind and considerate.他总是态度和善并体贴他人。The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.病人有权得到周到而礼貌的照顾。Her clear, brown eyes seemed soft and considerate.她那双清澈的棕色眼睛看上去宽厚又体贴。He's considerate of other people's feelings.他很顾及他人的感情。He's considerate and sweet-tempered but of a very nervous disposition.他待人体贴、性情温和,但是十分神经质。Louis was always considerate towards other people.路易斯总是很体贴别人。He was considerate and turned down the stereo when we asked him to.当我们叫他把音响的音量关小时,他很体谅地照做了。It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back.显然,如果你通情达理,对人友善,那么你肯定会获得更多回报。It was very considerate of you to send me a birthday card.谢谢你给我寄来生日卡。It was very considerate of you to include me.你把我算在内,真是体贴周到。It was considerate of them to warn us that they might be late.他们想得很周到,预先通知我们他们可能会迟到。Jack is considerate; his wife is just the opposite.杰克能体贴人,而他妻子恰恰相反。As a motorist, I try to be considerate towards cyclists.作为一名驾车者,我尽量考虑到骑自行车的人。He's a real gentleman, always kind and considerate.他是个真正的绅士,总是很和善且体谅别人。Jane could have been more considerate, to say the least.说得客气点,简本可以考虑得更周到一些。It wasn't very considerate of you to drink all the milk.牛奶全给你喝光了,真不关心别人。He was considerate of everyone.他对大家都很体贴。We have all wished for men who are more considerate.我们都曾祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。He is always considerate of other people's feelings.他总是考虑别人的感受。I've always understood one should try and be considerate of other people.我一直认为一个人应该尽量为他人着想。I think he's the most charming, most considerate man I've ever known.我觉得他是我所认识的最有魅力并且最为体贴的男士。She is one of the most considerate people I know.她是我认识的最体贴的人之一。 |