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例句 A judicial mind considers both sides of a dispute fairly before making a decision.公正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,然后才作出决定。She considers herself a perspicacious judge of character.她认为自己对人有敏锐判断。She considers her voice a God-given gift.她认为自己的嗓音是上天的恩赐。She is fascinated by algebra while he considers it meaningless nonsense.她对代数很着迷,而他认为代数毫无意义。She considers (that) she has done enough to help already.她认为自己已经够帮忙的了。Father Brown considers the notes and flowers left near the statue to be close to idolatry.布朗神父认为留在雕像旁边的便签和花束近乎对圣物的祈祷。He considers himself a cut above other people.他自以为比别人高明。He considers himself to be a great writer.他认为自己是一个伟大的作家。The dictator considers himself above the law.独裁者认为自己可凌驾于法律之上。She considers teaching a worthwhile career.她把教书看成是一项值得从事的事业。She considers the actress her ideal.她把这名女演员看作自己的典范。The United States considers itself as the epitome of democracy.美国自认为是民主的象征。The serious man considers such things as parties and games to be complete futilities.严肃的人认为跑舞会看比赛这类事毫无意义。She considers it a moral imperative to help people in need.她认为扶弱济困是一种道义上的责任。The psychologist considers himself a Freudian.那位心理学家自认为是弗洛伊德式的人。The scientist considers himself a Darwinian. 这位科学家认为自己是达尔文主义者The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.陪审团作裁断期间,被告面临痛苦的等待。He considers his political enemies a bunch of lily-livered hypocrites.他认为他的政敌是一群懦弱的伪君子。He considers himself quite a blade.他自以为很英俊潇洒。She considers the arranging of flowers in the church to be her own preserve.她认为教堂的花卉布置是她个人独揽的事。Barbara considers that pet shops which sell customers these birds are very unfair.芭芭拉认为把这些鸟卖给顾客的宠物商店很不地道。He considers the Senate a channel to the White House.他把参议院看作是通向白宫的门径。He considers it a waste of time.他认为那是浪费时间。He was born in Miami, but he considers New York his hometown since he's lived there most of his life.他出生在迈阿密,但却将纽约视作自己的故乡,因为他一生的大部分时间都生活在那里。Jill considers herself to be something of an environmentalist.吉尔认为她自己可以算得上是一个环境保护主义者。He has been profoundly influenced by Krishnamurti, whom he considers his spiritual mentor.他深受克里希那穆提影响,并将其视为自己的精神导师。In planning the meals she always considers her husband's preferences.在准备饭菜时,她总是考虑到丈夫爱吃的东西。He considers the dimensions of the problem.他考虑了问题的严重程度。He considers himself lucky to be alive after the plane crash.他认为他自己在飞机坠毁后还活着很幸运。She never considers anyone but herself - she's totally selfish!她从来只考虑自已不顾别人——太自私了!My father considers it a point of honor to finish any project he starts.我父亲认为做事要有始有终,这是个荣誉问题。He considers himself uniquely qualified to be president.他认为自己最胜任总统一职。She considers herself too elevated to eat with the common horde in the dining room.她自视过高,不愿与一般人同在饭厅用膳。My mother keeps introducing me to men she considers to be prospective husbands.母亲不停地给我作媒,把她认为合适的对象介绍给我。It is about time that the UN considers logistically deploying additional military resources.联合国是时候考虑在后勤上增派军事资源了。The teacher considers Jamie's performance truly exceptional.老师认为杰米的表现绝对出众。She considers herself lucky.她认为自己是幸运的。He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous.他对僧侣们颇有微词,认为他们思想偏狭,自视清高。Because he has written a book, he considers himself a real doubledome.他因为写了一部书,就自以为是很有学问的人了。I know my boss considers me incompetent.我知道老板认为我无能。




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