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The missiles can be fired against enemy targets with pinpoint accuracy.这种导弹可以以极高的精确度对准敌人的目标发射出去。The lenses are ground to a high standard of precision.镜片被磨到很高的精确度。The incredible precision of the equipment is testament to the mechanical skill of the engineers who built it.这个设备令人难以置信的精确度显示了制造这个设备的工程师的技术水平。But the accuracy of these scans is unknown.但是这些扫描的精确度是未知的。Digital techniques achieve exceptionally high accuracy.数码技术可达到异常高的精确度。Some of the girls did not have the perseverance to train to his standards of precision.有些女孩缺乏毅力,未能训练到他要求的精确度。 |