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Jazz up your everyday meals with our new range of seasonings.使用我们新推出的系列调味品,一日三餐更有滋味。Aunt Molly is a nag about regular meals.莫莉姨妈是一日三餐都挑三拣四的人。This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day.这样她就有充裕的时间准备一日三餐饭。Children should have three square meals a day.儿童应该一日三餐都吃得健康丰盛。We always have three good meals a day.我们一日三餐一直都吃得不错。I try to have three squares a day.我尽量一日三餐都要吃好。He eats three solid meals a day.他一日三餐吃得很丰盛。 |